Page 40 of Their Chosen

Chapter Nineteen: Arryn

After leaving Rhowyn's room, knowing I could trust Baer to keep her safe, I walked to the sitting area and poured myself a glass of whiskey to sip before the fire. So much had happened the last couple of days that I hadn't fully had the chance to process yet, making me feel more reactive instead of my usual proactive self. I much preferred having a plan and full understanding of a situation. Since meeting Rhowyn, I had felt anything but my usual self. I needed a moment to fully wrap my mind around it all, sipping the whiskey as I thought about everything I knew so far and all the things I didn't.

When I’d been given the assignment to accompany the Prince to Earth, I’d had no idea about the intention of the trip or what the outcome would be. I had simply been excited and grateful for the opportunity, hoping to impress him and further rise in the ranks as a result.

My whole life, I’d been groomed for the role of soldier, like my father before me. I’d been raised to appreciate the structure, honor, and predictability that the life of a soldier offered and had come to find peace through control. I liked knowing what would come next, the logical strategizing and planning, and the camaraderie found when more than one person came together to achieve a goal. The role of Consort had never been something I’d planned on, but now that I was here, I needed to find a way to make it work for me, to take back control of my life from the chaos that the trials would bring.

I sighed, taking another sip as I watched the flames dance in the hearth reminding me of Rhowyn, that undeniable passion she held so similar to the conflagration before me. She was beautiful and entrancing but dangerous for those who dared draw too close. And yet, there were those who were brave enough to chance the dance, to risk going up in flames as they mastered the element. This was an opportunity that I was desperate for, the moment when my life would change if I only had the fortitude to see it through despite all the risks. Somehow, I felt she was worth the peril. She had ensnared me like a moth drawn to the light, and I was incapable of resisting her pull on me.

Before the ceremony tonight, I had held only a faint hope of being with her. Which was why I’d distanced myself from her after healing her. The intense desire to protect her had come out of nowhere, overpowering my logic, and I’d had to separate myself from the temptation of a girl who would never be mine. But it seemed fate had other plans for us.

I hadn't decided yet if my infatuation with her was a good thing or not, but I seemed helpless to avoid this path I was on with her and had no choice but to see it through to the end.

When I had glanced up from my post by the wall during tonight’s ceremony, watching over the High Fae and court members present, I had been immediately transfixed by the image she had presented. Despite still being in her human glamor, she was magnetic and regal, shining with such an inner beauty. I wasn't the only one to notice either. Though the other courtiers and fae present held nefarious intentions when they gazed upon her, searching for a way to use her. My desire to ensure that didn’t happen had shaken me. Now, I could see that I was meant to be hers all along. Her protector and consort.

I took my role seriously, which was why tonight had disturbed and angered me in a way I had never truly felt before. I desperately wanted to get my hands on the bastard who thought he could invade Rhowyn's room and privacy in such a way. Although I didn't know his intentions, my realistic view of the dark parts of our world allowed me to guess.

There was nothing else for me to do tonight about the situation, but I would be keeping an eye out for a fae with cuts and injuries from Rhowyn's quick thinking. That's if he didn't have himself healed, but I doubted he would do so as the healers in the castle would have questions or suspicions they would pass on to the guard. Or so I hoped. Thankfully, I could rest easier knowing one of us consorts would be with her. I had fully expected her to fight us on this, but she’d surprised us both, leaving me one less thing to worry about.

Tomorrow morning would bring a flurry of activity for us all as we helped Rhowyn to understand her magic and her place here with us. I wasn't ready for her to return to Earth, even though I knew that’s what she wanted. There was something between us that I wanted to explore. It wasn’t just me that felt this way either. All of us consorts had been drawn to her before tonight’s ceremony, whether some of us wanted to admit it or not. Each of us brought something valuable to the table, things that would help Rhowyn through the upcoming trials.

Baer was powerful in his own right and brought connections through his family that were centuries old. Both his mother and father had been involved in the court when they were younger but had slowly withdrawn back to their own lands. Though his desire to avoid the prestige that came from his title and name was unusual. I’d already figured out that it stemmed from his desire to be judged on his own merits and not those of his parents, but if he wanted to help Rhowyn, he might need to use those to his advantage.

The prince, on the other hand, seemed to rely completely on his name, but his powers were most likely the strongest of us all, though no one knew for sure what they were. He also kept his thoughts and desires to himself, never revealing them to anyone. Most people assumed he was like his parents, cold and ruthless. While he seemed to not discourage those opinions, I had yet to see anything from him that would make me agree with them. Yes, he’d been an asshole and prick to Rhowyn, but he seemed to be doing so purposefully. Why, I couldn't even begin to guess. His desire to push her away was so evident, but the motivations were murky.

That just left our final consort who had yet to show themselves, but I was positive they were near. Since the ceremony, I’d had a connection to Rhowyn and the other consorts. Whoever he might be, he was near and safe. Even when Rhowyn had faced the intruder, I’d felt her panic. Her connection was the strongest, but they were all weak because we hadn’t completed the bond yet. The feelings I received from the others were vague and murky instead of crisp and clear like they should be. Even so, I could tell that everyone was resting easily somewhere nearby. Which I should probably be doing as well.

I finished off my whiskey, setting my glass on the table beside my chair and stood, about to head to my room when Lennox entered from the castle hallway. As the door opened, I noticed two guards by the entrance. He could say whatever he liked, but he cared for Rhowyn's well-being enough to go fetch them and have them assigned to protect her.

The corner of my mouth lifted in amusement as he shut the door and noticed me watching him. “I didn't think anyone would still be awake,” he said.

“I just finished a drink, needing a moment to sort my thoughts.” When he nodded, I added, “Baer is in the room with her tonight so she can sleep. Hopefully.”

“That's good. I assume we will be setting up a rotation? Just let me know when and where I'm needed.” He walked to stand closer to me, and I could see the fatigue and battle in his eyes. It didn't appear he'd gotten any sleep yet for the night.

“Ah, yes, about that. I'm just going to say it, but Rhowyn has requested that you not fall into that rotation. Just Baer and I for the time being,” I told him as gently as I could while still being direct to avoid any confusion.

To my surprise, he laughed. “That doesn't surprise me in the slightest.” He chuckled, “I haven't exactly been the most welcoming.”

Not sure if I should press but needing to know more so I could ensure our group didn’t hinder Rhowyn in the trials, I asked, “Why is that, exactly?” I kept my tone neutral but firm and then waited patiently for his response.

He crossed to the bar, pouring himself a heavier draught than I had done for myself, immediately taking a large drink from his glass. Standing by the fireplace now, he stared into the flames as I had earlier. A dark cloud seemed to have consumed him with my question, his shoulders tense as if holding the weight of the world. The silence extended, and I almost thought he wouldn't answer me, but still, I waited, needing to know why he treated her so callously for no reason I could discern.

It was a good thing that patience was one of my virtues because finally, almost too softly to hear, he began to speak without making eye contact. “It has nothing to do with her. Well, actually, it does, but not in the way one would think. This world, here at court, within the castle, anywhere near me, is absolutely ruthless and so dark...” he trailed off before turning to face me. “No one deserves this life, despite what people may think. I want nothing more than to get away from this and to help Rhowyn avoid the nightmare that I’ve been living. I may not be able to help anyone else, but I can keep her out of this.” He took another drink, draining his glass before turning back toward the fire.

“But it seems that despite everything, we may not have a choice,” he said quietly, as if he'd given up all hope for anything better.

I thought about what he'd said before I replied, “I've been at court for a while, always watching quietly from the sidelines as the High Fae play their games among themselves. I'm not unaware of the dangers and the hidden truths, but it seems to me that fate has deemed us worthy of helping Rhowyn to navigate these treacherous waters. I may not have chosen this path for myself, but I know we now have an opportunity to effect changes in the court that can benefit the entire kingdom.

“I'm not sure if you’ve met with the common fae and the others who reside in this kingdom, but they are suffering. They have been for a while. Now, we have a chance to help them. They didn't ask for any of this, but yet they’re the ones to suffer most from all the games.

“So, while this may not be the life you wanted, who is better to fight against this life for the people than someone who understands their suffering? We have a chance to put in a queen who can help us all.”

He didn't reply, just kept watching the flames, but I didn't need his response. I left him there to think on my words while I headed to my bed for the night.

I sat at the small table in our suite, enjoying a cup of coffee, that amazing human drink doing wonders for my tired mind. I was thankful Baer had brought plenty back with us, especially knowing how much Rhowyn enjoyed it in the morning.

As if my thoughts had conjured her, she came out of her room in the same oversized shirt she’d been wearing last night and some shorts that gave me another glimpse of her toned legs. Though not near the same amount as before when she wore just underwear beneath her shirt, it still allowed me the same vision of her thick thighs wrapped around my waist while I thrusted deep inside her. Blood rushed south as I took notice. I did my best to ignore it, thankful that this time I was at least sitting so I could hide my reaction and that she seemed to still be half asleep, not noticing my perusal.