I replied smugly, knowing I was about to ruin his idea that I had somehow made all this up for attention. Same old song and dance when it came to chauvinistic assholes. “Oh that? I threw it at him to call for help just in case he decided to come back, knowing he'd get gone as soon as he knew others were coming. Cowards who sneak into women's rooms at night don't really like others to know.”
I waited for them to process that and until I had their full attention, before giving the real reason. “Plus, hitting them with a glass object was likely to cut them, allowing me a chance to identify the asshole later while simultaneously waking everyone else up.” I smirked at Lennox, raising an eyebrow as if asking him to challenge that. “Also, I didn't want to throw my knife and lose it in the worthless piece of shit. It's my favorite.” I laughed at that, and they all looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was, at least a little bit. A small part of me had to be to come here with three unknown men, trusting what they told me, even if my gut was reliable.
Baer laughed with me in shock. “Okay, then. That's certainly a first for me.” Arryn and Baer were cleaning up the glass while Lennox stood with his arms crossed, glare back in place.
“I wish I could say the same,” I said quietly, more to myself than them, but Arryn and Baer froze, snapping their gazes to mine as if unsure how exactly to take that, but neither of them pushed me. Lennox just glared at me even harder before walking out of the room.
“Who pissed in his Cheerios?” I mumbled to his back.
Baer laughed at my statement, the only one of the guys to understand anything about Earth. Arryn stood, having finished the cleanup. “What does that mean? What are these Cheerios?”
I laughed at his genuine confusion. “It's a breakfast food. It's just a common saying to question why someone would be mad.”
“Ah, well, to somewhat answer your question, someone broke into the castle and into the Prince's Chosen's room. It's a direct challenge to us all as we are charged with your safety as your Consorts.”
Baer spoke up too, sitting on the edge of my bed with me, sending my mind to better reasons for him to be here than this, now that the immediate threat was no longer present. “I imagine he's pretty angry, as we all are, that we didn't consider the risk to you and that we were lucky tonight that you weren't seriously hurt or worse,” he said, as I forced myself to listen to him and not imagine what exactly he would taste like if I licked his washboard abs.
Seriously, each of them was way too distracting and tempting. It was totally unfair how gorgeous they looked fresh out of sleep. I was sure I looked like the disaster I felt like. As men, I was sure they didn't even appreciate the effortlessness that most women would kill for that kind of ease. Okay, I exaggerated; only some women would kill for that kind of ease. I smiled at my train of thoughts, sleep deprivation clearly getting to me. “Ugh!” I exclaimed suddenly, flopping back on the bed.
“What?” Baer asked as Arryn smiled at my dramatics.
“I'm so exhausted, but I doubt I'll be able to get any more sleep tonight, not with what's happened. Plus, I won't be able to sleep soundly in this room again.” I went to push off the bed, planning to at least get a workout in if sleep was no longer an option.
Baer and Arryn did that silent communication thing that most men were so good at before Arryn finally spoke. “About that.” He shifted on his feet, obviously somewhat hesitant to say what he wanted to. I cocked my head to the side, my curiosity peaking as I waited for him to spit it out. “Because of the safety concerns, we agree that one of us should stay in here with you from here on out,” he finally spat out and appeared to brace himself for me to refuse.
I was independent, not stupid, and that made sense. I wouldn't have asked, but since they were offering, I would certainly be a fool to pass up the chance to get more sleep. Although, I preferred Lennox to not be involved. “Okay. If it means I can get some more sleep, I'll take it.” Before they could fully be relieved, I continued, “But I refuse to allow Lennox in here with me. I don't trust him and wouldn't actually be able to sleep, so it would defeat the purpose to have him in here. Either one of you can stay, though.”
“I don't know how he's going to feel about that,” Arryn said, thinking out loud.
“Tough cookies. I don't care since he's been nothing but an unreliable asshole since meeting me.” I wasn't going to budge on this. Not a single inch.
“Well, for tonight, we'd all feel better if one of us two were here with you. Are you sure you're okay if I stay with you until the morning?” Baer asked me, ever the mediator and chose not to push or argue with me. At least not tonight when we were all exhausted.
I nodded. “Yup!” I replied, popping the P. “That sounds like a plan to me.”
“We're settled then. Goodnight, Rhowyn, I'll see you in the morning. Try to get as much rest as you can because I have a feeling we’ll have a lot to do and discuss tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Arryn. I hope you can get some rest as well,” I told him just before he turned to leave, pushing my sincerity into the words. I meant it. I had never had anyone just believe and trust me fully, much less two people, and it was leaving me with some very unfamiliar feelings as a result.
“Of course. I'm near if you need me,” he said, meeting my eyes before looking to Baer in confirmation. Once Baer gave a nod, he turned, shutting the door to my room softly behind him.
As if his exit caused a wave of anxiety to hit me, I found myself suddenly unsure of how to proceed with Baer. I had never shared a sleeping space with a man before, much less an extremely attractive, funny, and kind one on his level. One-night stands at their place with me leaving right after was more my speed and only when I was truly desperate.
“So...” I started, not sure how to proceed before trailing off.
“So,” he responded with a small laugh, his amusement sparkling in his eyes and causing butterflies to swarm me at the stunning sight of his crooked grin and gray-blue eyes. I caught myself staring at the swirl of colors, such a depth in them I had never seen before, and I could feel my cheeks and neck heating with a blush. I ducked my head and tried to busy myself with crawling under the covers again.
Not having a chair in the bedroom, Baer went to the other side of the bed. “Mind if I set up here in the bed as well? I can stay on top of the covers, or I can go pull a chair in here if you'd prefer. You tell me what would make you most comfortable.”
Baer waited for my reply before moving any further, making me trust him even more and putting some of my anxieties to rest. “Don't be silly. You can sleep in the bed too, under the covers or on top.” I laughed at him before adding, “I don't bite.”
“Damn! I was kind of hoping you might,” he teased me as he climbed into bed with me, still nowhere near me due to the sheer size of the bed itself.
“Who knows, maybe if you play your cards right and ask nicely, one day I just might.” I winked as I teased him right back before I realized exactly what I was insinuating. A spike of unease ran through me as I worried about how he would receive it.
The heat in his eyes that flared at my statement had me squeezing my legs together to ease my need for touch, suddenly too warm for the full weight of the blankets draped over me and separating us. Instead of following that heated gaze like a part of me wanted him to do, he just settled in. As I turned the lights off, I heard him reply softly, “I guess it's a good thing that I'm a gambler and a shark at cards.”
Not knowing how to respond to his openness about wanting more with me, I pretended I didn't hear him. I rolled over and away from him, my knife back under my pillow again. I closed my eyes to try to sleep and felt safer than I had in a very long time, if ever.