I followed Jensen without a word, still not giving anything away about how truly livid I was with this whole thing. The guards were holding the throne room doors open for us all as we passed, and they closed with a thud behind us. We trailed silently down large, ornate hallways decorated in gold, with precious stones accenting the swirling designs. Everything screamed filthy rich and was so outside of what I'd ever known that it made me uncomfortable. It never failed to anger me that some people could have so much wealth while others were born starving, never knowing an easy day in their tragic lives.
I tried to pay attention to the directions but gave up after ten minutes of walking. There were just too many twists and turns for me to follow. I sighed at the realization that I wouldn't be able to sneak my way out of here, which I was sure was Queen Bitch's intentions.
My simple life had been so turned upside down, and my gut told me that this was just the beginning, that everything would get so much more complicated and soon. Instead of allowing it to overwhelm me, I compartmentalized and focused on what was right in front of me, the here and now. All I could do was take it one day at a time. In so many of my dark times which had threatened to overwhelm me, I fell back on this technique, and it had never failed me once. I had always just put my head down, blocking out any distractions, and barreled through whatever was holding me back. I had no plans to change my stripes now.
Finally, Jensen stopped in front of a door and bowed in deference. “Miss Hunt, this will be your room during your stay. Your maids will join you shortly to assist you in any way and ensure you are ready for tonight's ceremony. Your things are already in your room.”
Biting back my desire to take my frustrations out on a man who was simply doing as he’d been instructed, I replied, “Thank you, Jensen. I'm sure I'll be okay from here.”
He startled at my words as if unused to kindness from others. Which really shouldn't surprise me due to this bitch queen, but it did, and anger flashed through me. It took nothing to show appreciation with words and yet, so few people did. It was one of my pet peeves and really told me what was in the core of another person. If they couldn’t even use genuine manners, then they weren’t kind and honorable people.
Jensen nodded to me and then left me with Arryn, Baer, and Asshole. Not quite ready to address my anger with Lennox, I turned to face Arryn and Baer. “So, what now? Will y'all be staying nearby?”
Arryn shook his head, while Baer put a hand on the back of his neck in awkwardness. “My quarters are in the barracks with my men, but I’ll be nearby and at the ceremony tonight,” Arryn replied simply, disappointment flashing through me in response to his words.
“What about you, Baer?” I asked, hoping someone familiar would be near me. The last thing I wanted was to be alone in enemy territory.
“I'm not quite sure. My living quarters are at the portal, so I'm not certain where I'll be staying since my return here wasn’t exactly planned.” He blushed slightly at his admission that he was basically homeless.
I turned to Lennox, prepared to fight him to ensure Baer stayed close since that was one of my stipulations for coming here. Now that we were at the castle, I had no assurances that he’d uphold his word to let Baer stay. Before I could say anything though, Lennox said, “I'll make sure Baer has a room nearby and will be at the ceremony.”
He sounded bored, but I was thankful he was keeping his word, so I bit my tongue, choosing not to escalate or create another issue. “Thanks. I'm going to take a shower and grab a nap while I can before tonight’s hoopla.”
Arryn and Baer said their goodbyes while Lennox remained quiet beside them. I said my own before I turned and pushed through the door to my room, my eyes gaping at the homey luxury I found past the threshold. If money were no object, this room would be exactly what I would have picked. The room was done in bluish-gray tones with warm wood accents. The wall color reminded me of a stormy sky, making me want to snuggle under the covers.
A seating area with a light gray couch and matching patterned chairs was arranged around a dark wooden coffee table that sat in front of a fireplace. A desk and chair were off to the side, and a vanity sat on the opposite wall across from me, both in the same dark wood.
Airy curtains fluttered softly in a light breeze, covering large floor-to-ceiling windows that opened onto a balcony. I walked across the room, drawn to it, wanting to see the view. What I found outside was stunning. A ceaseless ocean crashed against the rocks below, creating a tranquil soundtrack. I could live out here on this balcony forever.
Forcing myself to finish touring the room, I found a king-sized bed positioned between two doors and opposite the balcony, the comforter a navy blue with gray sheets and pillows. I couldn't wait to curl up and nap in it. Instead, I opened the door closest to me to find the bathroom. Again, my jaw dropped. The spa-like design was a complimentary mossy olive green with the same dark wood accents. A large sunken tub big enough for three with jets, a pillow, and a ledge created the perfect soaking tub. Next to it was a large shower with rain and waterfall shower heads and a bench along one side. Forget the balcony; I’d just live in the bathroom. The floor-to-ceiling window next to the tub allowed me a perfect view while soaking.
Deciding to postpone the bath for now, I went back to fetch my bag that had been left on the bench at the foot of the bed and returned to shower. I set the temperature to just shy of scalding, needing the heat to relax my sore muscles. Jumping in, I ran through the motions quickly, feeling grimy after the rough travel. Once done, I grabbed a towel to dry off with as I stepped out. I brushed out my hair, not bothering to dry it as my fatigue started to overwhelm me. Throwing on panties and an oversized T-shirt, I crawled under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light, my exhaustion claiming me.
A heavy knock on the door woke me as a couple of women entered my room carrying several bags between them. One was taller and younger than the other, as evidenced by the lack of silvered hair and wrinkles around the eyes.
“Rise and shine, Miss Hunt,” the older and curvier woman called out to me. “We have much to do and so little time to get you ready for the ceremony tonight. Have you bathed yet?” she asked me as she turned to face where I was still sitting up in my bed in shock.
She kept her head bowed slightly, briefly meeting my eyes. The younger woman stopped as she waited for my response, hands clasped in front of her and gaze on the ground. “I'm sorry, but who are y'all?” I asked, finally containing my annoyance at having my space invaded by these strangers.
The older woman chuckled softly, her wrinkles deepening as she did so. She was someone who smiled and laughed often, based on the deep lines etched into her face. “Oh, dear me, I forget you were raised in the human realm and aren't familiar with our ways.” As if sensing me starting to bristle, she quickly continued, “I'm Juniper, and this is Larissa. We're your maids while you are here at Cashel Rí during your trials. All the Chosen are staying here, and all have been assigned their own maids as well.”
She met my eyes with her last statement as if trying to convey something else with her words, but I wasn’t sure what she was getting at yet. Finally accepting their presence in my room, or rather the explanation of why and not finding a valid enough reason to dismiss them, I answered her original question. “Nice to meet you, Juniper and Larissa. Yes, I showered before my nap.”
She clapped her hands. “Wonderful. That will give us more time. Now, come along, and let's pick out a gown for tonight. We must have you ready to outshine the other girls.” She turned, gesturing for me to follow as she crossed to the bags they'd brought with them.
She began to open them all as I literally crawled out of the massive bed. I padded barefoot across the room to stand behind her. While she was much shorter than the other fae, she was still several inches taller than my 5'3” frame. She reminded me of a grandmother, and I couldn't help feeling drawn to her. She eyed the choices of gowns while also turning to study me as well. “I think this one will be the best choice for this evening.” She picked out a deep green gown that faded to a green so dark it was almost black at the hem but was light and airy in contrast to the heavy colors while also matching my hair.
Larissa crossed behind me to reach for my shirt, and I turned, knocking her hand away roughly. “What are you doing?”
She startled and lowered her gaze again, her voice shaking as she spoke. “I'm sorry, Miss. I was just trying to help you dress.”
I sighed; my intentions hadn't been to scare her. “It's okay, but I prefer to dress myself. I don't like others touching me.”
“Y-yes, Miss,” she stammered out meekly, still afraid of me.
Juniper jumped in quickly, taking charge again. “Alright, let's get you changed then, and we'll fix your hair and makeup after.” She handed me the gown, allowing me to head to the bathroom to change myself.
I returned to them shortly in the sleeveless gown, the straps twisted on my shoulders by design, leaving a deep, plunging neckline that didn't allow for a bra to be worn. The back consisted of twisted straps that crisscrossed while leaving most of my back bare and highlighting the new mark on my shoulder that proved I was Chosen. The hem brushed against the stone floor at the perfect length for my height, which in and of itself was rare, but the dress seemed made only for me, the color highlighting my olive complexion and ombre hair. The fit was snug but not tight, fitting all my curves perfectly. I had to admit that while I wasn’t usually a fan of dresses, I loved this one.