“It's okay, Arryn. I'm used to learning on the fly. I'm a quick study.” I swatted his arm playfully, trying to lessen the feeling that was brewing between us.
He still didn't move, his brow furrowed slightly as if puzzled. “It's not okay. You are a Chosen, and it's our duty to not only ensure your safety but your comfort. That includes making sure you don't have any questions. I'll ensure that we do better.”
“Really, it's not a big deal. How about I promise to ask if I have any questions? I'm usually pretty good at figuring a lot out on my own, and I have no problem asking if I'm confused about something. Trust me, all my questions used to drive my foster parents nuts.” I laughed a little to try to lighten the moment.
He still seemed a little confused at my words but nodded. “Sounds like a deal. I vow to answer all your questions to the best of my ability.”
“Awesome. So, what about this portal? Anything I should know?” I gestured behind him as I asked.
He started walking again, and I followed. “It's quite simple. Baer will activate it, and all we’ll need to do is walk through it.”
“Okay. Will I need to hold my breath? What will it feel like?”
“No, you won't have to do anything except step through. It's hard to describe the feeling. To me, it feels as if my body is weightless for a split second as I make the crossing.”
“That doesn't sound too bad. I’ve gotta admit that I'm still a little bit nervous about the whole thing, but I trust you.”
“It'll be over before you know it,” he assured me.
“Kind of like sex with this one,” Baer butted in and grabbed Arryn's shoulder while patting him on the chest, laughing at himself.
I joined him before I caught sight of Arryn’s blush. He shoved Baer off of him and replied, “You must have me confused with your own performance.” I laughed with them both, enjoying the playful and relaxed moment.
“Well, from what I can tell, you both have performance issues,” Lennox said as he stepped up next to us. Arryn quickly composed himself, but Baer didn't seem fazed. Me, I was pissed off at his interruption. I couldn't wait to be done with this asshole.
Baer stepped back. “Are we all ready?”
“As I'll ever be I guess,” I replied, grabbing the strap of my gym bag which crossed over my torso with both hands, my nerves picking up.
At everyone’s acknowledgment, Baer led us to the portal, placing his hands on the frame. His brow drew down in concentration as the frame started to glow a white-blue color with unfamiliar symbols across it. As soon as the last symbol lit up, I saw a flicker in the middle similar to what a heat wave looked like. I could still see the far wall, but now there was a clear barrier inside the frame.
Looking back at us, Baer explained, “To cross from Earth to Avalon, it’s a little easier. This side of the portal is programmed to only let us out in one place, Karthas Outpost. Just walk through it, and it’ll take you straight there.” His eyes met each of ours before continuing, “See you on the other side.” Then, he stepped through and disappeared from my sight. I gasped in shock. I had known this was coming, but a part of me still doubted that anything would happen.
Lennox stepped through next, and I found myself suddenly afraid to step through. It had all been real. The veracity of that statement finally sank in and settled heavily on my shoulders. I knew I was supposed to step through, but my knees had locked, and I wasn’t sure if I could. I wasn’t ready for this.
A hand landed on my shoulder, and I jumped to find Arryn there. “It's your turn now. All you have to do is step through.”
My eyes widened as I started to panic. “I don't know if I can,” I admitted to him. My heart raced, and my palms turned sweaty.
He caught my eye before encouraging me. “You can do this. You've been brave so far. This is just another step.”
“I thought I was crazy. I didn't really think this was all so real.”
Understanding dawned on his face as he watched me panic. “It's okay. Do you want me to go through with you?”
I swallowed, knowing I needed to do this if I was going to free myself from the trials. Before I could return to my students, I’d need to deal with that. I nodded with relief. “Can you? Please?”
I wasn’t proud of my begging, but I knew I needed his help. He took one of my hands in his, gently engulfing it in his grasp. “Of course. We'll step through together. You can close your eyes if you need to. I'll be right here with you the whole time.”
I squeezed his hand in mine tightly. “Thank you,” I whispered softly before letting my eyes shut.
“Anytime,” he said, just as softly, and then he gently pulled me forward. I knew the exact moment we had entered because it was just as he’d described. Losing all sense of my own body, I felt absolutely nothing but his hand grasped firmly in mine, and it was the only thing that kept me anchored.
A heartbeat later, my senses returned to me, and I felt firm earth beneath my feet. Arryn squeezed my hand, and I opened my eyes slowly, not sure what exactly I'd find.
Chapter Ten: Rhowyn
As my eyes opened, I first saw Baer grinning from ear to ear. Lennox stood next to him, glaring at me. Beside them both was a very large man with a barrel chest grinning broadly, his orange hair trimmed short. It was then that I noticed his ears. Instead of rounded lobes, the tips of his were pointed. I drew closer to Arryn at the sight and remembered I was still holding his hand. I dropped it quickly, not wanting to appear weaker than I already had. Glancing at Arryn, then Baer, and Lennox, I searched them for pointed ears. So, I hadn't missed it; theirs were different from the imposing man before me.