“Ugh!” I threw my hands up, slightly aggravated, and faced forward again, done with this conversation entirely, but not before catching Lennox’s smirk and Baer’s silent laughter.
Thankfully, Baer was pulling into a small parking area with a large wooden building that looked like a warehouse next to it. “This is it?” I kind of felt let down, partly hoping for some fancy portal like in the movies. Not really sure what I had been expecting, but a barn was apparently not on the list.
“We're here,” Baer stated, putting the car in park. Lennox threw the door open before he could even kill the engine, as if he couldn't wait to get away from me. I narrowed my eyes at his back, my hackles rising. I reminded myself that in a few days, I would never have to see him again. That thought made me feel better, and I followed Baer to the trunk to retrieve my bag.
Arryn towered behind me, waiting on me to grab my bag, and I felt tiny in comparison with Baer on my left. Both were easily over six feet tall against my 5' 3”. Suddenly aware of their closeness, heat gathered inside me, going straight to my core. Both would be any girls' clam jam.
I snatched my bag and headed to where Lennox had entered the barn, not even bothering to grab his bag, realizing I really needed to get laid. Either Baer or Arryn would do. Maybe one of them could scratch this itch. I'd never have to see them again, so it would be the perfect, no strings attached fling.
I heard the trunk shut behind me and their shoes crunching in the gravel parking lot. Slowing my pace, I allowed them to catch up since I wasn’t sure where to go. It didn't take them long for their long strides to eat up the short distance. Baer took the lead and opened the door to allow Arryn and I to pass by him. Inside, my eyes took a few moments to adjust to the darkness after being in the summer sun. I stood still next to Arryn as I waited, my vision clearing. His arm brushed my bare one, giving me goosebumps. I blamed the cooler air inside and not the contact, but he looked down at me briefly, making it harder for me to use that excuse. Our eyes met, and his green eyes were striking, his pupils dilated as he stared back at me.
“Oh good! You found her!” Another man broke the moment as he rushed up to us. Instinctively, I backed up as he charged toward me. He seemed harmless, but I had no idea who he was.
Arryn put a hand out to stop his momentum and I realized I had placed him between me and this strange man. “We did, and we wish to return as soon as possible with her.”
Baer stepped in again. “Here's the keys and what's left of the supplies, Pettit.” He handed over a bunch of items and money to the man before turning to Arryn. “Why don't you show Rhowyn to a bathroom so she can freshen up before we cross over and start the next leg of our journey. I'll sign us all back in and get us cleared to use the portal back.” It wasn’t until he mentioned the portal that I noticed a large archway made of silver in the back of the barn, which turned out to be much larger than I’d initially thought based on the outside dimensions.
“Of course,” Arryn replied as Baer and the man walked toward what looked like an office. Off to the side was a kitchen area, and I finally noticed several other people staring at us. There was no sign of Lennox anywhere.
My eyes slowly worked their way around the building before I registered that Arryn had been watching me patiently. Once he had my attention, he asked, “Do you need to freshen up?”
“That sounds good, thanks.” I nodded, and he smiled faintly back at me, leading the way to a door that was much closer to us than the kitchen and portal.
“Be patient with me. I've only been here once before when Lennox and I came with Baer to start our search for you, but I'm fairly certain I remember where the bathroom was.”
“That's okay. I’m quite easy to please.” I smiled at him before blushing at the inadvertent innuendo.
We entered a hall with several doors and another hall branching off. “So, have you ever been to Texas before?” I asked, curious about these fae that I’d be traveling with. Arryn seemed open, if a little quiet. “Baer made it seem like he was comfortable here, but you don't have the same sense of ease that he has. No offense.”
“No, I have never been to Earth before. My duties have never brought me here, but I did learn a little bit about it when I was younger. Although, I find that knowledge is now outdated. Baer was our guide. It's his job to travel here, to keep up with the humans, and to ensure our realm remains safe.”
“Ah. So, are you all soldiers? You carry yourself like one, but Lennox doesn't give off that vibe to me.” We reached the end of the first hall and stopped in front of a nondescript tan door that looked just like all the others we had passed.
Arryn faced me, and his face said he was surprised by my conclusions. “You would be correct. I'm in the Royal Guard, and Baer is in the patrol. Lennox isn’t one of us. He's a High Fae who was assigned by the Queen to retrieve you for the trials.” His statement appeared simple enough, but I felt as if he wasn’t giving me the whole truth about Lennox.
I decided not to push, instead filing that information for later. Arryn turned the knob when I didn't question him further and opened the door to the bathroom. “I'll wait for you out here.”
“That's okay. I can find my way back out to the portal if you need to find another bathroom yourself.” I shut the door and locked it before he could respond. For some reason, despite his half-truths, I trusted Arryn, and Baer was an open book. So easygoing, easing a tense situation with such ease that it was hard not to relax around him. In fact, it was so easy that I found myself having to frequently make sure I didn't drop my guard and give too much away. His boyish good looks and natural charm didn't hurt either.
Arryn, on the other hand reminded me of a man from the fifties with a gentleman-like sense of honor that made me feel safe and secure. Though, he did have an air of danger about him, his body honed for battle, coiled to act when needed, it only enhanced the comfort his presence provided.
Flushing the toilet and heading to the sink to wash my hands, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had dressed for travel, which meant leggings and a tank top, my go-to comfort clothes. My lean muscles flexed as I washed my hands, noting my eyeliner and mascara were still in place. Pulling my hair down, my green locks slid between my fingers easily as I combed it back into place after my nap had mussed it.
Finished, I unlocked the door to find Arryn standing in the hall still. “Do you need to use the bathroom?” I offered, gesturing at the room behind me.
“I'm good,” He replied simply. “Done?”
“Yeah. So, what now?” I asked.
He turned to lead me back down the hallway. “Now, we should be ready to cross over.”
“Oh, that's all?”
He glanced back at me, sensing my sarcasm. He turned back and opened the next door so we could enter the main room. “That's it. Were you expecting something else?”
“Not really. I don't really know what to expect. Honestly, you three haven't exactly been forthcoming about anything, so I'm kind of just winging it here.”
He stopped halfway to the portal, where I saw Baer with the man from before. Still no sign of Lennox. Arryn eyed me, and I shifted on my feet a little, uncomfortable under the weight of his gaze. “You're right. I'm sorry. It's hard to remember that this is all new to you, and I forget that you may need more information.” His tone was serious and apologetic.