“Listen here, asshole, these humans are better than you could ever imagine. Sure, there are apparently douchebags in every species, but these humans are good, and they need me.”
“Lennox, maybe you should just let me handle this?” Baer asked, his own annoyance slipping into his voice.
“I'm done talking to this dick. If you want me to listen, he'll need to go.” I walked away from Baer so I could glare at Lennox. He just shrugged and stood, followed by Arryn, who kept quiet. Still. Leaving everything behind, they walked back toward their car.
“Ugh! Asshole can't even pick up his trash. Guess he feels a kinship to it.” I moved to snatch up the debris, not wanting to leave it.
Baer seemed unsure of how to respond. Instead, he helped me clean up their mess. “I’m sorry Lennox acted like that. It's out of character, at least from what I know of him. I do know he's under a lot of pressure right now with this whole Chosen thing. I hope you’ll still listen despite his attitude.” He threw the trash in the can and stopped next to me, looking into my eyes as he finished apologizing for the asshole.
I sighed. “Look, for whatever reason, I like you. Even if it’s against my better judgment. Arryn hasn't said much, so I really don't know about him, but Lennox seems to be an entitled asshole that’s used to getting his own way. He's not the first guy I've come across like this, and he won't be the last. If I took it personally every time someone was a jerk, I'd become one too, always angry over stupid shit. The way he acts is on him, not me.
“That said, I'll listen to what you have to say. To be honest, I'm curious about this whole situation, but I can't be your queen. I have people here. People forgotten and abandoned by everyone they've ever known, and if I leave them now, when they need me, I'm no better than all the others who walked out on them. Does that make any sense to you?”
Baer chewed on my explanation as he moved to sit at the table. I remained standing, needing to move, nervous energy building inside me as I waited for his answer. Normally, I did me and didn't give a shit what strangers thought of me, but I found myself wanting his approval. Finally, Baer looked back up to me. “As much as that thought saddens me, I can understand your loyalty. However, it's worth considering that just maybe the Fae need you and that loyalty just as much. I can answer any questions you have along the way or get the answers when I don't know. To be honest, though, I doubt I’ll be with you much longer. My current assignment was to bring Lennox and Arryn to Earth. When we return to Avalon, I’ll return to my post, which is guarding the portal between the worlds. I want to protect you and return your loyalty, but I'm not sure how feasible that will be. I just want you to know before you decide either way.”
While distracted by my churning mind, my hand rubbed my left shoulder, soothing the ache while I analyzed this information. “Is there a way to decline this chosen status?”
He watched me as I walked back and forth, answering, “I'm not sure, but if anyone knows the answer to that, it would be Master Jude. He's the Court Priest and is the closest to the land outside of the Queen and her consorts. He’s devoted his life to the study of our magic, so if anyone could sever the connection, it would be him.”
Was I crazy to believe this? If I was, it couldn't hurt to find out for sure. I'd just go and tell this Master Jude thanks, but no thanks. Granted, a lot could go wrong, but this pain in my shoulder was only getting worse. Baer said it was because of the magic pulling me back to Avalon, giving me no choice in the matter. Sure, I could probably resist the pain for a few more days, but what would happen if I ignored the call? Would the pain stop, or would it become debilitating until it had forced my hand?
I stopped pacing, and faced Baer, my decision made. “I'll go back with y'all. I'll get Master Jude to sever this connection, and then I can come back.” He stood in excitement and accomplishment, but I interrupted him before he could speak. “But I have a condition. I'm not crazy enough to go anywhere foreign to me without having someone I trust with me. That would just be stupid. And for whatever reason, I trust you. So, if I have to go, you do too.”
Chapter Eight: Rhowyn
For a moment, Baer seemed taken aback by my choice to drag him along with me. I could practically see his mind running through how exactly to respond to that request. Well, it wasn't really a request, not if they needed me to come back with them. This wasn't something I was willing to compromise on. In just the short time I'd known him, he had been honest and forthcoming, even when it didn't really benefit him or his mission. Plus, he seemed capable of managing the other two, even though I was pretty sure Lennox was the one in charge.
If I spoke the facts of my situation out loud, it sounded certifiably insane, but it sure didn't feel that way. Then again if I was really going crazy, would I know it?
I studied Baer, his face so full of emotion and expression. He seemed to be an open book, but I sensed a predator underneath it all. His gray eyes shifted with his emotions between shades of blue and green. His shoulders were wide and tapered to a narrow waist before giving me a view of his perfect ass. His muscles were lean but seemed to ripple under the surface of his skin with his movements. Without a doubt, he was a beautiful man. Playful when it suited him and serious when it didn’t. He knew when to turn it on and off. Finally catching my eye, he gave me a knowing look. Apparently, I’d been too obvious in my study of his body. Oh, well. If we hooked up, I was pretty sure it would be one of the highlights of my life. And that was something I could get on board with.
“While I would love nothing more than to agree with your terms,” he started, “I unfortunately don't have the power to make that call.”
“Well, who does have the power to agree to my terms?” I asked, but I already knew the answer.
“Of course he does,” I mumbled to myself, not bothering to keep quiet, which seemed to amuse Baer. “So, I guess we can head back to your car, and I'll let the asshole know just exactly how it's going to be. If he needs me to come back with y'all, then he doesn't really have a choice.”
Baer chuckled at that. “Alright, Killer, let's head back then. Unless you have any more questions?”
“None that are pressing. My mother explained a lot to me and what you've told me seems to line up so far. Though I can’t help but think that I’m going insane.”
Despite what I’d said, my mind still swirled with too many questions. Ones I feared lingering on. I knew nothing about this new world or its people and would need to learn all I could as fast as I could. Especially if I meant to make it out of there. Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't realized we’d made it back to Baer's car outside the taco shop.
Lennox and Arryn both leaned against the car, waiting for us to return. Arryn straightened before glancing up and down the street suspiciously, so obvious in his assessment that if anyone was watching us, they'd think we were getting ready to make a drug deal. I laughed as Lennox stood, causing him to scowl.
“What's so funny?” he demanded from me.
I just shrugged, not giving in to his pissy mood. “Nothing.” My answer only pissed him off more, and he crossed his arms, sneering at me as if I was the dirt on the bottom of his shoe.
Ever the diplomat, Baer jumped in, causing me to turn and grin up at him, amused at his obvious attempts to mediate. “So, Rhowyn has agreed to come back with us.”
Lennox seemed genuinely shocked at that statement, but he quickly covered it up. Which was good because I was pretty certain he wouldn't like my terms. “I've agreed, but only if Baer can come with me all the way. And I only plan to stay long enough for this Master Jude guy to break this connection, whatever it is,” I told them, a part of me excited by the idea that I was about to anger asshole further.
Surprisingly, Lennox seemed to relax and soften. Well, as much as that was possible, what with the stick up his ass. Weird. “I see no problem with that. When can you leave? I'm ready to get away from this place,” he asked with a shudder, for once not sounding like he was trying to piss me off.
“Tomorrow morning. I already said my goodbyes earlier today at the gym, and they're expecting me to be gone for a little while. I told them I had a sick grandmother. All that's left for me to do is pack, and I need to speak with my mother again. Plus, I'd rather leave in the morning. Maybe I’ll wake up from this crazy ass dream.” I laughed at myself but noticed none of them joined me.