I finished taking my bite and watched him as I chewed slowly. He placed a large order, clearly for more than just himself. His slender but athletic form filled out his t-shirt well and the jeans made his ass look amazing. He clearly took care of himself, which meant there was no way he was about to consume all of that food alone. After placing his order, he turned to scan the restaurant, and pushing through his sandy brown hair as the light caught his bedroom gray- blue eyes. Add to that the five o’clock shadow and you had one very attracted female. It wasn't often that I felt this pull toward someone, normally preferring to stay away from trouble. And there was no doubt in my mind that he represented a whole mess of problems for me.
Despite knowing the danger he presented to my libido, I was curious about why he was here now. He had flirted innocently as I’d showed him around as if this was something he was used to doing, his demeanor relaxed and confident. His playful personality had been infectious, and I’d found myself genuinely enjoying his company. Personality was huge for me when it came to attraction. Because of what I’d been through, I’d developed a knack for judging others, easily discerning the assholes and playboys, and made it a point to steer clear of those types.
Just like any red-blooded woman, I had fantasies and desires, but my history made connecting with men difficult. Most of them didn’t want to put in the effort it took to break down my walls. Other than the occasional one-night stand here and there, I had never been in a real relationship before. I was too much effort in the long run, which was okay with me since I didn't want someone who wasn’t willing to fight for my attention. I knew my worth, and I demanded the same acknowledgment from anyone I spent time with. A part of me was secretly hoping that this mystery man would put in the effort.
I smirked to myself at the idea of getting to know him and took a drink from my Dr. Pepper. As I wracked my brain for his name, it finally came back to me. His name was Baer, and he was now looking at me, his eyes lighting up when they met mine as if he was genuinely surprised to find me here. Questioning my initial assessment that he’d been following me, I watched as he strode confidently toward my table, his long legs eating up the distance quickly.
“Evening, Rhowyn,” he greeted me when he finally stood in front of my table. I didn’t bother standing, as I let my surprise show on my face at him remembering my name.
“Hi, Baer. What brings you here?” Not seeing the point in hiding my attraction, I smiled as I tried to flirt. Granted, it probably looked more like a grimace, but I was committed to seeing this through. Now that my stomach was full, another hunger rose to take its place.
“Well, since I was new to the area, I wanted to try out the local foods, and when I asked around, I was told this place had the best tacos.” His smile widened, his hands going to his pockets as he rocked on his heels. If I wasn’t reading this all wrong, he was flirting back.
“They weren’t wrong. However, I’m not sure I buy that reason for you being here. Something tells me there’s more to this story.” Unable to keep up the charade, I cut to the chase. Playing games had never been my strong suit, and I wasn’t about to master it now.
He laughed in response, obviously amused with my forthright honesty. “May I sit?” he asked, pulling out the chair across from me, though he at least waited for me to give him an answer before sitting, more points in his favor.
Instead of giving him the okay he was hoping for, I took another bite while I waited for him to answer me first. He only thought he could get away with skirting the truth about why he was here. Realizing I wasn't going to respond, he studied me like he was trying to find the right words. Finally, seeming to come to a decision, he started. “You are correct in the assumption that I was hoping to see you again, but it was more than just the fact that I find you attractive that led me here. Certain circumstances have led me to you today, things that are too difficult to explain in this setting.” His eyes darted around to indicate the full restaurant before meeting mine again. The serious tone placed me more on guard than his admission of guilt at stalking me.
It finally dawned on me that the reason he was here was because of the mark on my shoulder, but I had to be sure before I agreed to anything more. “Does this have anything to do with my new tattoo?” If he was indeed a fae, like I suspected, he would know exactly what I was referring to.
His eyes widened briefly in surprise, but he quickly hid it. “Yes, it has everything to do with that tattoo.” His inflection on the word tattoo told me what I needed to know. He glanced around to make sure no one could eavesdrop, then leaned forward over the table. “I have much to discuss with you about that and many other things. Things which may come as quite a surprise. Although, I'm beginning to suspect you know more than we originally thought.”
“Well, I can assure you I don't know very much at all. None of which I fully believe,” I replied, leaning back in my own chair, and crossing my arms across my chest. “So, Baer, tell me what all of this is supposed to mean. I've heard one version, but it's not from a very reliable source, and I'm not sure how much stock I can put into it. Fair warning though, I may not believe your version either.”
We studied each other closely, neither willing to dive into this conversation just yet. Staring him down, I noted that his eyes were more gray with flecks of blue in them, and I wondered if they changed colors depending on his mood. The cashier approached our table with a large bag full of food, interrupting our stare down.
Narrowing my eyes, I tried again to pull information from him. “That’s a lot of food for just one person?” My statement ended on a question, clearly indicating it was his turn to open up. After all, he was the one hiding things from me.
He laughed loudly, taking the bag and handing over the table number. “As tempting as this food smells, this isn’t all for me.” His humor dimmed slightly, returning to watchful. “It's also for the other two men that traveled with me. We thought it best that only one of us approach you at first, not wanting to scare you or come on too strongly.”
“Gee, I’m so grateful for your consideration. It makes me want to trust you even more.” I made sure my sarcasm was thick enough that there was no way he could mistake it for anything else.
He winked at me, a charming smile sliding into place. “Sure thing, darlin'.” Though he was using southern words, they sounded much better in his British accent. I always did have a weakness for a Scottish, British, or Irish accent.
Not wanting him to know the accent and overt flirting was getting to me, I cut through the bullshit. “So, why exactly did y'all come all this way for little ol' me?” I made sure my Texas accent thickened as I drawled the words.
“Is there any way we can go somewhere else to discuss this? We really can't say anything here. Too many others and chances to be overheard.” His eyes pleaded with me to agree as he shifted slightly on his feet. I still hadn’t let him sit with me.
I narrowed my eyes, not sure if I could or should trust him, but my gut was telling me I could. Logic said I shouldn't. A part of me knew I needed to at least hear what he had to say, and the only way I'd be able to do that was if I met him somewhere else. Decision made, my mind immediately began running through the options as I sat up straight and uncrossed my arms. “A couple of blocks from here is a small park. It has a couple of picnic tables and a jogging trail. At this hour, it shouldn’t be too busy, especially with the heat. I'm not comfortable going anywhere less public or riding in a car with you. That is as secluded as you're going to get with me. Take it or leave it.”
Without waiting for his response, I rose from the table and walked away from him. He would either follow me or not. Either way, I wouldn't be losing anything. I'd either get some answers, or I'd be able to sit by the creek and enjoy the peaceful, secluded spot in the middle of the city, something I often did in the evenings.
Not more than a few steps outside of the shop, I heard the telltale jingle from the door, and I turned back with a smirk to confirm he had decided to follow me. “Rhowyn,” he called after me, “wait. Can I bring the guys with us? If not, I need to let them know where I'm going. They're not exactly from around here and have no way to get back or anywhere, really, without me.”
I pushed my hands into my blue jeans’ pockets, debating. “Fine. It’ll give me the chance to hear what y’all have to say and will keep me from having to repeat my decision once I’ve made it.”
At my answer, his smile lit up his face. “Great! Let me go grab them now. It'll take two seconds.”
I nodded with a look of begrudging acceptance and watched as his long legs closed the distance to the car I had noticed following me earlier. I raised a single eyebrow in recognition, not really all that surprised that I’d been right. He leaned down to the passenger seat and spoke to someone inside. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell who it was with the glare of the sun obscuring my view, but then Baer stood back up and glanced back at me as if to make sure I was still there.
Both the front and rear passenger doors of the car opened almost simultaneously, and as two more men emerged, my breath caught. Holy shit, these guys were all ridiculously hot. Man, if they were all fae, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. I laughed at my internal thoughts. Down girl! I chastised my libido. It seemed me and my pussy might be at odds frequently if these guys stuck around.
I studied both of the new men as they made their way to where I waited on the sidewalk, their pace unhurried as I waited. The blond one was the tallest, well over six feet, with a clean-shaven face and short hair that reminded me of a soldier. He had a slightly crooked nose and a scar that cut across his cheek, noticeable even from this distance, but it by no means detracted from his looks. His green eyes scanned the crowds that surrounded us, his posture stiff as he approached me. This man was a fighter, more likely a soldier of some sort. With that realization, I instantly became more wary of the situation I was putting myself in. It wasn’t that I felt unsafe exactly, but more the fact that my subconscious recognized a formidable foe. The tension in my body built as I wondered just what I was agreeing to.
The second man was the polar opposite of the first. His hair shone a blue/black color in the setting rays of the Texas sun, longer and more unkempt, but in a more purposeful way than just being too lazy to manage it. Their slow approach allowed me to watch the way his hips rolled when he walked, relaxed and confident. No fear evident for even a second as his lean frame drew closer. A smile was pasted on his face, but it didn't meet his calculating, icy-blue eyes. In this lighting, they were extraordinarily pale, like his skin which seemed to reflect the sunlight. I knew he was sizing me up, and my own gaze hardened in challenge as I pulled my hands from my pockets.
Baer was, without a doubt, the friendliest of the three, so it was no surprise they’d sent him to make the first approach. As they finally stopped before me, I felt the need to move under the intensity of their combined gazes. My thighs involuntarily met that need, clenching together as I gravitated toward Baer. Compared to the other two, I felt much safer with him. An unnatural instinct was encouraging me to get closer to him. Fighting it, I turned my face away from Baer's smiling eyes that made my entire body relax, looking in the direction of the park.