“When you move. Back to the city, I presume.”


“You’re keeping things light.”

“Yeah.” Brody rolled one shoulder, uncomfortable with the description. Probably because of everything he and Reagan had shared, he couldn’t recall many, if any, shallow moments. They’d been in the deep end from the start. Even so, he offered a weak, “My penthouse is here, so it makes sense.”

“But your house is there.”

“It’ll be her house soon enough. Settling down isn’t for me. I’m like you.” He’d hoped that reminder would curb any argument to the contrary. No such luck.

Octavius frowned. It was as if a dark shadow had been cast over him. “Being alone isn’t as fun now as it once was. If it ever was. If I were your age again and found the woman who made me feel understood, seen? Son, I’d upend my entire life to make her mine.”


Reagan stood at Brody’s side as he scribbled down bids for the silent auction. He’d returned to the party with his father. She’d been chatting with Penelope before then and had learned that Pen had done PR for Reese during his and Merina’s marriage and divorce…and again when they’d been remarried.

While Pen chatted about moving to Texas, marrying Zach, and having their daughter, Reagan listened politely. She’d also been watching Octavius interact with his own children. Each of them looked at their father like he hung the moon, and it was obvious how much he loved them. This was no absentee father. He cared deeply and showed up when it mattered.

She’d been turning that idea over in her head since Brody had brought her a flute of champagne. She’d shadowed him as he perused the options for auction. He was a lot like his dad, she realized. Genuine, big-hearted, there when it counted. But, also like his father, he wasn’t a man to be tied down.

“Dad’s staying in town for a few days. So is Dante before he returns to LA.” Brody tossed the pen aside, folded his bid, and shoved it into the waiting black box. “He’s not staying with me or anything. He has a hotel room.”

“At this hotel, I assume. Does he get a family discount?”

“Full comp.” His smile wasn’t full wattage. He seemed…well, not sad but definitely muted.

“I’ve thought more about whether I’ll stay the night or go home,” she told him.


“I called Ike and told him I’d be home in the morning. Of course he said it wasn’t necessary, but I have invoices to write, and I want to make sure he has groceries. I can’t let Dottie do everything for him.”

“Sounds like you. Taking care of the people who need you most.” Brody pulled in a breath.

“I belong in Merriweather Springs.”

He gave her a silent nod.

“Jaylyn’s flight is at ten o’clock tonight. I don’t expect you to leave with me. Especially with your dad in town. I’m sure you’d love to spend more time with Dante.”

“Love is a strong word.” His toneless voice made the joke fall flat. She was tempted to make her leaving easier for him, but she needed that energy to make it easier for herself. As it was, there wasn’t much left to give.

“We need to prioritize our families.” And not each other, she thought but didn’t say.

“Dante mentioned cigars with Dad tonight. I could join them.”

“You should. Do some male bonding over stinky cigars. Eat a medium-rare steak.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist, tugging her so close their lips nearly touched. “You’re sure?”

“Positive,” she breathed, aware of her nipples tingling. He set her off physically no matter what her head and heart thought about the situation.

“Already, I want you again. Unbelievable.”

Her hands on either side of his face, she kissed him and silently agreed.

“Excuse me,” Jaylyn said after intentionally clearing her throat. “Get a room. I’m trying to bid on the trip to Cancun.” She made a shooing motion.