A hard reality to swallow given the narrow scope of her own world.

“Come on.” He walked with her to the bar where he snagged an open bottle of champagne and a pair of flutes. She set her empty aside and followed him as he wended around the party and then stepped out onto a massive balcony. No one was outside, probably because it was a cool night. She hoped the flames from the fire bowl would provide enough warmth for her bare shoulders and legs.

He set the bottle and glasses aside to shove the metal-framed couch closer to the fire. “Your seat, madam.”

“What are we going to do? Avoid everyone and drink champagne alone?”

“No.” He wiggled the cork until it emitted a satisfying pop! As he poured them each a glass, he said, “We’re going to let everyone come to us. Trust me, they will.”


Three open champagne bottles were grouped together on the ground, two empty and the third headed there. Jaylyn waggled the remaining bottle and frowned at the pittance of liquid in the bottom. “We’re out!”

“Got it,” Zander called, already halfway to the door.

That left the five of them—Jaylyn and Dante, who were side by side on a pair of chairs, Chloe on a lounger next to Zander’s recently abandoned one, and Brody and Reagan on the couch.

Reagan snuggled deeply into the blanket she’d been given, pleased when Chloe had come out with three, one the fleece that Reagan had handpicked for the gift basket. Jaylyn had piled her own blanket over her lap, her legs curled beneath her, but that was the only part of her that looked ready for bed. Her eyes were bright and excited, a sign of a true night owl.

Which Reagan was not. She covered her mouth to hide the yawn that had escaped. She’d been ready to go to sleep an hour ago.

“Champagne,” Zander announced, handing one bottle to Jaylyn and then refilling Brody and Reagan’s glasses with a second fresh bottle. Reagan waved her hand as a way of telling him no thanks, but the eldest Crane shook his head as he topped her off. “Sorry. We have one final celebration, and you’ll need champagne for it.”

Next to her, Brody grunted.

“Thought we forgot, didn’t you?” Dante’s lips curled into a barely there smile. Reagan had watched him out of sheer curiosity tonight. He’d been reserved around the majority of the crowd inside. After their cousins and the rest of the party had filtered out, leaving the six of them, Dante had changed. He hadn’t let his hair down per se, but he was more at ease than before.

“Hoped is a better word,” Brody grumbled, but reached for his glass.

“Haaaaaappy biirrrrthdaaaaay…” Jaylyn started, and soon Chloe, Dante, and Zander joined in on a very, very purposely bad rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

“Your birthday’s today?” Reagan nudged Brody’s shoulder with her own. “You didn’t tell me.”

“Yeah, well.” He shrugged, a tinge of pink highlighting his cheekbones. She’d say it was cute but that was too tame a description for him. His humble reaction was endearing.

When the warbling had ended and the cheering began, Reagan reclaimed her champagne flute.

“To Brody,” Dante toasted. “My adventurous brother who never failed to impress me. I wanted to be him. Still do some days. Seems fortunate that he lazes around while the rest of us have to work for a living. I mean, except for Jaylyn.”

His sister punched him in the shoulder while laughter erupted around them.

“When you were off with Dad on adventures, I really wanted to be you,” Dante added.

“It’s true. He took you everywhere,” Jaylyn agreed.

“Tell us your favorite adventure, Brody,” Chloe invited.

“How he lost his virginity,” Dante said, earning a whoop of approval from Chloe.

“No! He can’t tell that story with Reagan here.” Jaylyn sent Reagan a questioning look. “Unless he’s told you already.”

“I’m not saying shit unless you all go first,” Brody said.

“I’m in.” Jaylyn scooted to the edge of her chair and drained her glass. “Refill, please.”

“I don’t want to hear this.” Zander shook his head.

“Wait. Do all of us have to tell?” Chloe asked.