“Date,” Brody quickly corrected. He didn’t miss Reese’s eyebrow winging upward or the loud, appreciative laugh from Tag.

He’d take the ball-busting with his head held high. When it came to Reagan, he was damn proud to have a woman of her caliber on his arm. “Wait’ll you meet her. She’s not only beautiful, but she’s also cool.”

“This, I’ll suss out for myself,” Rachel announced before swishing off in Reagan’s direction.

Reagan hadn’t meant to bring up the Chicago fires of 1871, but when Merina Crane, owner of the Van Heusen Hotel which had risen from the ashes of that travesty, was standing in front of her, Reagan hadn’t been able to help herself.

“I didn’t know sidewalks used to be made of wood,” Reagan blathered. No wonder Chicago had gone up in flames. “The Van Heusen is the most beautiful building. I love the phoenix symbols on the elevators. The snickerdoodle cookies. The whole ambiance is incredible. It’s the classiest building in Chicago.” Reagan bit her tongue and willed herself to shut up.

“I’m in agreement. I married Reese to save my hotel from ruin, you know.” Merina smiled a knowing smile, even though Reagan didn’t know that story. “The VH is my baby. Hard to believe my husband wanted to strip it of its bohemian personality, isn’t it?”

“He wanted to make it like Crane Hotels. A modern, glass, minimalist structure,” Chloe interjected. “I mean, the Crane is beautiful in its own right but can you imagine?”

“No. That would have been a big mistake. Big,” Reagan said.

“Huge,” Chloe finished with a smile, picking up on the Pretty Woman reference.

Jaylyn joined their circle with a blonde on her arm. “Rachel Crane, meet Reagan Palmer.”

“I noticed your dress from across the room. It’s exquisite.” Rachel offered a hand that Reagan politely shook.

She then smoothed that same hand over her skirt. “It’s a bit much, but I think Brody wanted me to fit in.”

“He missed the mark, honey. You stand out.” Merina was wearing a steel blue form-fitting dress that showed off every curve of her amazing body.

“I’ve been on new mommy duty, so I wanted to go overboard.” Rachel’s cotton-candy pink dress was flowy and silky with a low-cut bodice.

“As well you should.” Merina drank to that.

Jaylyn’s all-black attire fit her like a second skin, save the poofy tulle skirt, and Chloe’s bright yellow dress was a good match for her personality.

“I’m more comfortable wearing jeans,” Reagan said.

“Same,” Chloe and Rachel said in unison.

“Never.” A dark-haired woman joined their circle. She was introduced as Isabella Crane, Eli’s wife. The woman was exotic and breathtaking in a royal purple sheath dress.

“She’s being dramatic. Hey, Isa.”

Isa blew Rachel a kiss.

“It’s fun to dress up, though,” Rachel said. “Congratulations on the apartment, Chlo. Is there a tour?”

“Yes! Now that we’re all here, let me show you around.” Chloe led the troop of bedazzled females through the expansive apartment. It took a while to simply cross the living room, which featured a wall of windows facing the city.

The skyline resembled a painting, with tall rectangular buildings and lit squares for windows. Reagan had never been enamored by the city, but it was hard not to appreciate the beauty from this vantage point. She was truly awestruck by the skyline against a backdrop of navy blue sky. She’d rarely seen the city from anywhere other than ground level. The penthouse view was a totally different vibe.

Once they’d viewed the five bedrooms, six baths, study, and office, the other ladies meandered back to the bar, leaving Chloe and Reagan in one of the emptier bedrooms. Short of a white dresser and a white leather chair with an ottoman, the room was bare.

“Zander suggested turning this room into my closet, but I’m not sure.” Chloe lowered her voice. Reagan doubted anyone could hear them from the living room, where low bass thumped beneath the din of laughter and chatter.

“As a woman currently without a closet to call her own, I say take the deal.”

Chloe laughed. “I’m originally from Maine. I lived in an itty-bitty apartment over my office at work until very recently, and before that, an even ittier-bittier apartment outside the city. The idea of sacrificing an entire bedroom to use as a closet is outlandish.”

Relief sagged Reagan’s shoulders. “Another middle-class girl. Thank God.”

“Falling in love with Zander has been intense in every sense of the word. I’ve been around the Cranes for years. They are different than I imagined but they are still billionaires. It’s a lot to process.”