She had trusted him tonight with her body. She wasn’t sure if she could trust him with more than that. They’d both been swept up in the moment—the glamour of the holiday and the temptation of a fresh start. As much as she wanted to be swept off her feet by her very own Crane, perhaps it was best to manage her expectations.

Gathering the duvet, she roll-scooted off the bed, palmed her clutch, and dragged the blanket with her to the bathroom. “I’ll meet you out there. If you don’t mind.”

He briefly shook his head. “I can wait.”

“I’m worried if we reenter the room together…” She was unsure how to finish that sentence. First off, she sounded ridiculous. They were consenting adults and in no way owed anyone an explanation. Though borrowing a guest bedroom because they couldn’t wait a single second longer to tear off each other’s clothes sounded more like horny-teenager behavior.

But the idea of multiple pairs of prying eyes on her and Zander when they reentered the party made her nervous. She didn’t want to answer any more questions than strictly necessary. She had plenty of unanswered questions of her own.

“If you’re certain,” he said, looking as if he didn’t want to say it at all.

“Positive. I’ll meet you at the bar for a glass of champagne in a minute.” She pulled the blanket into the bathroom. Before she shut the door, she added, “And then we’ll kiss at midnight.”

Chapter Ten

30 minutes ’til midnight

All that and a kiss at midnight.

Zander had been given far more than he’d expected tonight from Chloe, but he’d be lying if he said that sleeping with her hadn’t been exactly what he’d needed.

It was like a strong breeze had blown away a thick cloud of debris, and he could finally see clearly. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. The sex had been surprising, even more so was the intensity he’d experienced. Had she felt it too?

He didn’t want to leave her behind in the bedroom, but she’d insisted. The last thing he wanted to do was overstay his welcome or pressure her in any way. In the end, she hadn’t left him with much of a choice.

In the corridor behind the staircase, he paused once again to admire her photos. They were, at a glance, minimalist black-and-white buildings on a city block, but he saw beneath the exterior to the beauty within them. Beauty made more evident now that he knew the woman behind the camera.

Hands in his pockets, he strolled toward the party, resisting the urge to whistle. His mind was clear, his body humming from the intense release. He couldn’t keep the smile from his face, nor the flashbacks of naked Chloe from his brain—not that he tried.

The sound of chitchat and laughter from the party was louder than earlier. Everyone was feeling the spirit of the season…likely from the spirits they’d imbibed.

“There you are!” Before he’d reached the doorway, his sister rushed out into the hallway to greet him, her cell phone in the air. To the phone, she said, “I found him.”

“I told you that wasn’t necessary,” Brody responded.

“You should tell him in person! He wants to hear it from you.” Jaylyn thrust the phone at Zander’s chest. “Here.”

Zander held the phone in front of his face and said hello to his brother, feeling slightly awkward about having a video conversation in public. This was Jaylyn’s preferred way of communicating.

“Happy Almost New Year, big brother.” Brody, a patch of a mustache over thick scruff, offered an easygoing grin. He wore a jaunty paisley button-down shirt and a suede jacket over top. No doubt with a pair of jeans—he preferred to wear denim, and could. He was a writer, so no dress code.

“Happy New Year, Brody. Quiet night tonight?”

Brody stood outside on a balcony, a chilly-looking New York cityscape behind him. “No ball drop for me this year.”

“Getting too old for that shit?” Zander asked with a smile.

“Never old, big brother. Times Square isn’t my scene. I’m at a friend’s penthouse.” He checked over his shoulder and blew out a visible breath. “I’m freezing my nuts off out here, even standing next to the space heaters.”

Zander moved farther from the party to loiter in the hallway. At that moment, Chloe appeared around the corner, spotted him, and stopped short. She offered a shy smile, ducked her head, and then stepped into the party. His heart thumped against his ribcage.

“What the fuck was that?”

When Zander looked back at the phone’s screen, his brother wore a sideways smile, and one brown eyebrow was raised into his disheveled hair.

“What was what?”

“You.” Brody squinted. “You look different. You look…mussed.”