“You should kiss my brother!” Jaylyn blurted out. “You two were looking at each other like…well, I don’t want to think about it.”

“What? I didn’t— I don’t?—”

“Of course you did, and do. I have a sixth sense about things. I already know you’re going to kiss him.”

Chloe did a surreptitious search for Rachel or Isa. Even Merina, who she wasn’t as close to, would do in a pinch. She didn’t want to admit to Jaylyn that she’d already decided to kiss Zander Crane at midnight.

“Admit it.” Jaylyn smirked.

“I only met your brother tonight.” Which was no answer at all. The thought of kissing him thrilled her down to her pearlescent pink painted toenails.

“He’s not as fragile as everyone thinks, and he likes you. I can tell. He hasn’t smiled at another woman the way he was smiling at you for a long, long time.”

“He told me about his wife. Late wife.”

“Really.” Jaylyn’s tone suggested he didn’t talk about it often. “Well then, he must really like you.”

“I appreciate the sisterly stamp of approval. I guess I’ll have to see where the night takes me.”

“My night is taking me back to the keyboardist. Any advice for approaching a musician who’s in the middle of a set?”

“Ha! If you’re looking for dating advice, I’m the wrongest person you could ask.”

“I might have you beat in that contest, Chloe… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your last name.”


“Chloe Andrews. Jaylyn Crane. Youngest of the Octavius Crane brood. My mother owns a small clinic that specializes in Reiki and acupuncture in Colorado, which is where I inherited my witchy vibes.” She wiggled her fingers, causing the diamond eyes in her skull ring to twinkle.

Chloe was liking Jaylyn more by the minute. “Zander and I talked about your father, O. He sounds very interesting.” To say the least.

“He’s a bit of a legend. Broke the mold with me.” The other woman propped her hands onto her own shoulders and did a little dance. “Indulge me, Chloe Andrews, while we wait on our appropriated wine.”

Behind them at the bar, Zander was chatting with the bartender. Chloe couldn’t help admiring his long, lean form. His straight back. His impressive height. There was simply no way not to notice him. He must have felt her eyes on him, because next he turned his head. She was engulfed with awareness as thick as smoke. It clogged her throat and sent her heart racing. It was like she could physically feel his gaze, even from far away.


“Holy shit. I felt that.” Jaylyn’s eyebrows were raised as she flicked a glance from her brother to Chloe and back again. “I’d be grossed out if I wasn’t rooting for him so much.”

“You were saying?” Chloe was eager to change the subject.

“Right! I’m going to be very, very frank.” Jaylyn rubbed her hands together, her grin cartoon-villain evil.

Chloe’s heart raced for a different reason, and for a good reason as it turned out.

“When,” Jaylyn asked and then paused dramatically, “was the last time you had sex?”

One glance at Chloe across the room and Zander felt like he’d had his ears boxed by a heavyweight boxer.

His head rang.

His vision blurred.

Nothing romantic had happened between them on their short trek through the mansion, and yet something had definitely happened. He didn’t wrestle with distraction by a woman he’d just met—not ever.

“I see you found the cellar.” Reese sidled up to the bar with an empty lowball glass in one hand.

Zander, who had tuned out everyone and everything, jerked his attention to his cousin. “Uh, yes.”