He lowered his voice, came even closer to her plump, red lips, and said, “So many more.”

“I, um. I haven’t had sex in a very long time.”

Lust flooded his bloodstream. He’d offered more kisses, and it sounded like she was planning on more than that.

“I haven’t met anyone worthy of considering having sex with,” she said.

“Until now?” He cocked his head and waited for her answer. He wasn’t disappointed.

“Until now.”

Before she could take the words back, he dove in and kissed her again. This time she looped her arms around his neck as she tangled her tongue with his. After she’d sent him on another interstellar trip, she lowered to her heels and shook her head. But not to tell him no—thank Christ.

“Where?” she whispered against his mouth.

“Great question.” His mind raced. Right here in the hallway seemed irrational. He blinked hard. His place or hers meant leaving the mansion, and then he’d have to find his sister and she’d have to tell Isa… Plus they would be inserting a lot of awkward time and space in between that kiss and their next one. Hadn’t they both waited too long for a physical connection already?

“Follow me.” He took her hand and tried to remember which room was which on this floor. Then he figured it probably didn’t matter as long as they didn’t end up in the antique furniture room. Any room with a bed would do.

He went right, walking so fast that Chloe had to jog to keep up. Her laughter rang out behind him, causing his heart rate to soar and his own laughter to follow. When was the last time he’d felt this free?

Too long.

He turned another corner and found a few closed doors. “Which one should we try?”

She considered briefly before letting go of his hand. She opened the door at the end of the hall, revealing an unoccupied guest room with a very large bed. “Is this okay?”

“No.” Her smile fell but recovered when he added, “It’s perfect.”

She bit her bottom lip and tugged him into the room by his lapels. Every thought apart from pleasing her drained out of his head. He kicked the door closed behind him.

She plopped onto the bed, her breasts bouncing beneath the shiny material of her dress. Her hair was a halo around her sweetheart face. Her eyes on his, she reached for her shoe.

He tugged at his bowtie.

She removed her other shoe.

He tore off his jacket.

When she stood and approached him, he met her halfway.

Threading his fingers through auburn hair every bit as soft as he’d imagined, he held her face in his palms and was far more honest than he’d planned. “I don’t want to fuck this up.”

“You won’t.”

“If at any moment you’re not in ecstasy, put me in my place, will you?” He didn’t know what had happened to his voice, but he didn’t sound like himself. Rather than his usual carefully modulated tone, his vocal cords were strung tight. There’d been a slight shake in the word ecstasy.

“You have my word.” Her voice was raspy and sensual. Everything about her turned him on. Especially now that he had her alone in a bedroom. “Help me out of this dress.”

His confidence returned full force. “My pleasure.”

For years, Chloe hadn’t been what she’d consider “lucky in love.” She certainly wasn’t going to turn down the gift the universe had sent her on December 31. Zander Crane might as well have been wrapped in a big red bow.

Standing in front of those photos earlier, she’d had to let it sink in that HopperFan02 was holding her hand. She didn’t give karma more than a passing thought on any given day, but who could deny the unbelievable coincidence that they’d run into each other tonight?

“I can’t believe it’s you.” He held both of her hands now, his blue eyes drilling into hers.

“Me neither. But I’m glad it is.”