“Okay, I’ll play. Why were you late tonight?”

“My day sucked. I drank.”

“I can see that.”

“I got a weird call tonight from an ex. She didn’t want to be an ex anymore. Then she tried to blackmail me. So, I drank.”


“And I fired Tobias. I’m sorry he came to your work today. I had a meeting with him after my day of meetings. He’s gone.”

“Um, alright.” And while I want to press on more about seeing his ex tonight, I’m pretty sure that’s a sore subject, if it’s the primary reason he’s drunk.

“Can we go and play, just a bit?”

I push him toward my bedroom, and he stumbles in the direction.

I wokeup before my alarm went off. I made some coffee and showered. When I step out of the bathroom, I’m hit with the smell of bacon and my mouth instantly waters.

I quickly dress and walk into the kitchen to see Miller, shirtless, wearing my frilly apron in front of the stove.

“Hi.” I stand beside him.

“I’m so sorry that I came over here so drunk.” He apologizes, “I’m making apology bacon.”

“I like apology bacon.”

“Did I make a fool out of myself?”

“You don’t remember? How much did you have to drink?”


“You didn’t say or do anything that would be incriminating. But you were quite truthful last night, in between trying to hook up.”

“Did we?” he looks at me, curiously.

“No. As soon as you hit the pillow, you were snoring.”

“I’ll make you more bacon.”

“So, who’s the ex you saw last night?” I ask, as he freezes for a quick moment.

“Rebecca. She called, asked to see me, then basically flat out tried to blackmail me. I need to update my lawyers about her.”


Reporters have been relentlessly contacting me via my cell and email, seeking information about you, me, and my business.

“Why is that a big thing? You’re a pretty important guy. I would assume that’s par for the course.”

“Not at all. I have people who speak on my behalf. And my personal business isn’t something that I allow to become public knowledge.”

“Is that why that guy asked me to sign an NDA?”

“Another thing that I’ve always done. If I started seeing someone, even if it was nothing, I would have them sign NDAs from the start.” He plates the bacon, covers it with a paper towel, and turns off the stovetop.

“But you didn’t do that with me.” I point out, “we’ve been seeing one another for a bit. Did he come by just because of those photos?”