“Well, it’s not a full-time job, but yes.”
Parker chuckled. “You rich people really do lead different lives.” He put his hand to his lips. “Sorry, that just popped out. I didn’t mean anything disrespectful.”
“Dear boy, you needn’t worry about that.” Sebastian sat at the desk, keeping Parker by his side with an arm around his waist. “What would you like to read? We have first additions of just about everyone, if that interests you, although they have to be treated literally with kid gloves. Well, cloth ones, actually.”
“Oh, I don’t want to see anything valuable.” He searched his fuzzy brain but couldn’t come up with an answer. “Why don’t you pick something for me?”
“All right. I don’t need this thing to do that.” Sebastian led Parker to an overstuffed mahogany leather coach and plopped him down. “You stay here. I don’t think you’re steady enough for the ladder or the stairs.”
Parker let himself sink into the cushions and watched as Sebastian climbed to the second story by way of a circular staircase then went down the catwalk to pluck a couple of books. He returned and held them out. Parker took them both—one a book on economics and one was A Tale of Two Cities.
“Don’t worry. That’s not a first edition, merely one of my favorite stories.”
“I’ve never read it, but I know it’s a classic. Sad, too, isn’t it?”
“A lot of great works of fiction are. Now, see for yourself and spread your legs.”
Parker started obeying before he even realized it. He became absorbed by the book within seconds and almost missed how Sebastian was kneeling between his legs and reaching for his waistband.
“What are you doing, Master?” It was suddenly hard to speak as he felt the man’s fingers liberating his dick from his pants, then the cock ring.
“Shh. Read.”
Parker struggled to obey. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on the words in the book as his cock hardened in Sebastian’s grip. His breath quickened in anticipation of a hand job. He nearly jumped out of his skin when instead, his dick was sucked into Sebastian’s mouth.
Parker gasped at the intense pleasure. It was impossible to keep up the pretense of reading. He dropped his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Sebastian only had to swallow around Parker’s cock a few times to make him come. He cried out as he doubled over, the fingers of one hand curled around the book and the others scratching at the leather seat.
Sebastian let him go and set him to rights before joining him on the couch. “Like that, did you?”
Parker could only nod as he let his master cuddle him close. When he got his breath back, he couldn’t help asking the obvious question. “Why did you do that? I mean it’s my job to bring you pleasure, not the other way around, isn’t it?”
Sebastian nuzzled the top of his head. “Do you think I don’t enjoy sucking cock?” He smacked his lips. “You taste delicious.” Plucking the book from Parker’s now-nerveless fingers, he added, “Let’s see what Mr. Dickens has to say. I hope I have enough breath left after feasting on your dick to read it out loud. God, but that man must have hated using punctuation to write such run-on sentences. A brilliant storyteller nevertheless.”
Parker let the sleepiness from the champagne and the orgasm take over him. He sat boneless against his master, listening to Sebastian’s deep, smooth voice. It really was the best of times and the worst of times because he was a slave who had fallen in love with his master.
Chapter Eight
“Thanks for having dinner with me tonight.”
Sebastian stared at Will with a pleasant expression, he hoped, despite the fact that his mind was really at home with Parker and not sitting across from another man in a restaurant. It wasn’t even one he’d been to before. Will had said he wanted to try something new and Sebastian had acquiesced—as he’d done for weeks now.
Still, it didn’t compare with the time he spent with his debt slave. Everything he introduced the boy to made him see them from fresh eyes. That Saturday he’d taken him to Ogunquit was already a cherished memory. Something as simple as walking along the beach and picking up shells had become new and exciting. It was impossible to remain jaded or become bored with anything while watching Parker being happy. They’d frolicked on the sand and in the water, visited antique and souvenir stores and had a lovely meal by the water in Perkin’s Cove before heading home. Sebastian had gotten such joy out of buying Parker silly, pretty things for him and his family.
He’d taken Parker to the most important museums—Fine Arts, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Science—surprised that Parker hadn’t ever gone to any of them. Too costly, he’d said, for his family and his school district. They spent an afternoon at the New England Aquarium, watching the sharks swim in the multistory tank. They’d sailed around Boston Harbor in a boat Sebastian often forgot he even had. Parker had loved being given a turn at the helm, laughing as the wind whipped his hair around. Sebastian enjoyed their outings together so much, he didn’t think about work. Nothing had ever distracted him from that before.
His life was better with Parker in it. That was the plain truth, and as the weeks went by, he’d become more accepting of that fact and had stopped trying to reason it out or convince himself it was all about the sex. As much as he wanted to spend time with his boy, he still had to carve out hours every week to spend with Will, though. His parents had already decided this was a relationship headed for marriage. Beasley had confirmed as much, based on Gloria’s calls to the man.
Despite all that expectation, Sebastian couldn’t bring himself to take matters into his own hands. It was Will who always made the plans and did the asking out. He took Sebastian to plays and baseball games, ballets and charity events. They were seen all around Boston as a couple, something both sets of parents had undoubtedly made sure was the word that got around. It really should have bothered Sebastian to be the passive partner in their relationship, but he couldn’t be bothered. However much time he spent with Will, the rest of the day and night he was with Parker. That was enough to make him cheerful about everything else.
The boy’s gotten under my skin. Is a master supposed to fall in love with his slave? The thought jarred him.
“Sebastian, is everything okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes. Sorry, you were saying?”
Will shot him an indulgent smile. “I was saying that I know this isn’t a place either of us frequent, but I wanted to have a bit of anonymity for tonight.”
“Of course. No problem.” He accepted the bourbon brought by the server and started to look at the menu.