And speaking of flesh… He gestured for the boy to follow him over to the entertainment area. Sitting on the couch with barely contained excitement, he said, “Take off your clothes.”
The natural master in him had come roaring out and his dick tented his pants. The idea of exercising his rights over his slave was too compelling for him to act with more restraint. Or with consideration. This boy had agreed to obey his every wish. There was no point in pussy-footing around. It wasn’t in his nature to be reticent and he expected Parker to be ready for anything. Why else make the commitment? And the amount of money demanded by the boy had been ridiculously high, meaning that he’d got himself into trouble very quickly in his young adult life. He was lucky to come out unscathed as he was.
There was a moment’s hesitation before the boy started to comply. Then he proceeded with careful movements, toeing off his shoes, rolling his socks inside them, and unbuttoning his shirt and folding it neatly before putting it on the table. Standing straight with his silky bare chest capturing Sebastian’s gaze, he undid his pants and slid them down his slender legs. He folded the slacks on top of his shirt and stopped moving with only his boxer-briefs snug against his package.
Sebastian nodded at him. “Go on, all of it.”
There was another hesitation before Parker complied. With the same careful movements, he added the underwear to the pile of clothes and stood with his hands hanging by his sides. He stared at a point above Sebastian’s head and waited quietly for the next command. The boy’s dick was limp, which wasn’t surprising. He had to be very nervous. No matter. He was as perfect as his pictures had shown. Not that Sebastian had worried about any photo editing and airbrushing. The agency thrived on customer satisfaction. And Sebastian was all that and more.
“Come here.” He waved Parker over to stand between his spread legs. The boy gave off a whiff of some pleasant body spray when he was near. That would have to end. Sebastian liked a natural odor in his lovers. For the moment, he ignored the scent and concentrated on studying every inch of the boy’s body. This close, he could appreciate the soft, nearly hairless skin, and Parker’s blond hair was natural as well.
Sebastian tangled two fingers in the pubic hair and tugged gently. “This needs a bit of trimming. I might shave it off entirely.” He glanced up to see what effect he might be having on the boy.
Parker’s gaze was downward now that he was up close to his master, as a good slave’s should be. The agency had probably given him lessons on deportment before putting him up for sale. It made it impossible to read his expression, however, and the boy’s cock remained limp under the scrutiny.
“Do you like men, Parker?”
The boy licked his lips. “I-I’m not sure. Master.”
Sebastian’s erection strained even more against its confines at being called that. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I do. And calling me Master is right when we’re alone but when in the presence of others, you’ll call me Sir.”
Parker nodded. When Sebastian tugged at the pubic hair enough to make him wince, he added, “Yes, Master.”
“Very good. You’re smart, according to your bio. And a virgin. Is that true?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Hmm.” Taking the boy by the waist, Sebastian tugged him down to his knees. His slave’s mouth was right where he wanted it to be. “Are you really, in all ways? No hand jobs at sleepover camp?”
Parker shook his head. “No, Master. I never got to go to camp.”
There was something very sad in that answer. Sebastian had to force himself to put it aside and concentrate on getting the benefit of his bargain. If he didn’t make use of the boy, he’d accomplished nothing by buying him.
He sat back. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know. First lesson—unzip my pants.”
With slightly shaky hands, Parker reached over to do as he was told. He fumbled in an adorable fashion with the buckle but got it open and unhooked the waistband. He slowly lowered the zipper. Sebastian’s cock poked through the fly of his own boxer-briefs at the first opportunity.
Parker sat back on his heels, waiting for the next order.
“Do the rest,” Sebastian encouraged in a gentle tone so as not to spook the boy. “That’s it,” he added when Parker returned to tug the underwear past the erection. Sebastian cupped the back of the boy’s neck and pulled him closer. “You know what I want.”
Parker’s chest rose and fell with quick breaths. “I’ve never done it before, Master. It won’t be good.”
“That’s fine. I don’t expect good. I don’t even expect enthusiastic. All I’m looking for right now is effort. Skill will come later, under my tutelage.” He tugged Parker’s face closer to the cockhead that was already weeping a bit of cum.
Sebastian couldn’t remember being so aroused since the early days of masturbation. And like those times, he wouldn’t last long. He forced himself to keep his eyes open to watch his new slave licks his lips, open wide and close his mouth around the tip of Sebastian’s shaft. With a groan, he dropped his head back against the sofa, eyes and fists clenched against the intense pleasure. Parker only had to hold on and bob a few times before Sebastian climaxed with a rush that left him breathless. He had to grit his teeth against the shout that wanted to get out. The office walls weren’t that thick.
He bucked as the cum spurted out, emptying himself into Parker’s warm velvety mouth. He held the boy’s head in place until he was able to open his eyes. He wanted to see his slave’s lips wrapped around his softening dick. Slowly, as the tremors subsided, he let go and allowed Parker to pull away. A small drop of cum was left on the corner of the boy’s lips. Sebastian swiped it away with his thumb, which he then pressed into the boy’s mouth. He was delighted when his slave dutifully lapped it clean.
Sebastian smiled. “There you go. Not so bad, eh?” When the boy only nodded, Sebastian ruffled his hair and helped him to his feet. “Get dressed. I have a lot of work to do still.”
He pulled himself together and picked up a tablet on the side table. He held it out to Parker. “Here. I had Enrico get you your own tablet so you’ll have something to do while you wait for me. We’re going to be joined at the hip, you and I, for the next little while. I find it’s too much fun looking at you to leave you at home.”
Parker took the tablet. “Thank you, Master.”
Feeling languid from the sex, Sebastian found it hard to return to his desk. But he never allowed himself to be distracted from work, so he buckled down and ignored the beautiful boy sitting on the couch, peering at his screen. Or he tried to. It was harder than he would have expected. And disturbing. He was not the sort of man to be derailed from a task, no matter the appeal of something else. Certainly lovers only held his attention for so long as they were engaged in sex. It was what made him such a terrible boyfriend. Still, Parker was proving to be an exception. And that just wouldn’t do.
Sebastian pushed the intercom. “Enrico, come in here.”