To Parker’s delight, their pillow talk had turned recently to the topic of business. He was getting an up-close-and-personal tutorial in how to run a company. Not to mention the fact that Sebastian had also taken to bringing him to any of his meetings that occurred in his office as an observer. As things went, the next five years would give him a grounding in business that no other college student would have. He really was the luckiest of debt slaves.
“I can agree to that shorter earn-out, but only if you accept another five percent of the purchase price in Endicott Global’s stock instead of cash.”
The seller didn’t look too happy about that. Apparently, he wasn’t as good at this as Sebastian, and hadn’t come into the meeting knowing how the deal would be struck. “I need to confer with my lawyers.”
“Of course. Enrico will show you to a conference room for privacy.”
The admin left his seat by Sebastian’s side. “This way, ladies and gentlemen.”
A parade of lawyers and businesspeople followed Enrico out of the board room and those on Sebastian’s side of the deal took the chance for a coffee or bathroom break. If the deal didn’t wrap up soon, lunch would be brought in, then the negotiations would continue into the afternoon.
When Sebastian left the table, Parker stood and followed him through the private door that led into his master’s office. They continued on to the bathroom so that they could both pee. Sebastian went first, naturally. Parker stood holding up one wall as he watched his master take out his powerful dick. The sight of it gave him sparks of pleasure, as it always did now that they were months into their…situation. He wanted to think of it as a relationship, but knowing that was a ridiculous fantasy, he chased those thoughts away as soon as they entered his mind.
Sadly, despite how much they both enjoyed it, there would be no blow job until the meeting was over. It was Sebastian’s go-to form of sex these days while in the office, except he denied them both if he was in, or going to, a meeting. Sex made him too contented, he’d said, for him to stay sharp and focused. It was a heady feeling for Parker to know he had that effect on such a powerful man.
Sebastian finished up and went to wash his hands, giving Parker room to relieve himself. Doing so with his cock caged had become second nature to him.
“What do you think, dear boy?” This was the best part, Sebastian asking him for his opinion and actually taking it seriously.
“I think Mr. Mooney has waited a long time to get his company to a place where he could sell it and retire. He’s conflicted, though. It’s his baby, after all. And while he’s come to terms with letting it go, it will be easier for him to make a clean break. Going into work every morning as just another employee after being the boss for so long will be hard.”
Parker flushed the toilet and went to the sink. Sebastian stood drying his hands, staring at him with his lips quirked up a little. When it was Parker’s turn to need the towel, his master gave him part of it while holding on to the rest. There was a look in the man’s eyes that Parker couldn’t quite name. It wasn’t lust, that was for sure.
Parker felt his cheeks heat for some reason. He ducked his head. “What is it, Master?”
Sebastian skimmed his fingers through Parker’s hair. He hadn’t permitted him to cut it and it was at that awkward stage where it flopped in his face yet wasn’t long enough to pull back into a decent ponytail.
“I like how much you enjoy being by my side during business meetings. You really listen and never seem bored.”
Parker lifted his gaze. “How could I be? It’s all so fascinating. When I decided on majoring in business, I really didn’t know what it was like. I’m glad to find out it’s the right choice for me.” He looked away. “I mean, when my contract is up.”
Sebastian made a small, gruff noise in the back of his throat. “Yes, well…that’s a long way off and in the meantime, I intend to teach you how businesses are run from the inside. There’s nothing like hands-on experience.”
Sebastian led them back to his office, stopped and turned for a kiss. It was soft, with just a hint of heat. It was nice how his master enjoyed this simple intimacy. “Work is great, but we could use a break, too. I promise we’ll have lots of fun in Tuscany. We can lie about in the sun, swim…fuck. I can’t wait, actually.”
Parker could only nod. He followed Sebastian back to the boardroom, trying to ignore the tension he felt over the trip they were embarking on that very night. He’d shoved it time and time again from his mind because it bothered him to think about it. It should be exciting to visit Italy. He had a passport for the first time in his life, and the small villa Sebastian had rented for them was charming, based on the pictures he’d seen. There was really nothing to feel bad about, except for the fact that the reason they were going to that particular place in the world was for his master’s wedding. And that was the thing that bothered him.
“I’d thought to put it off until next spring, but everyone else wants this fall, so…” It meant Sebastian putting off his business trip to India, which Parker could tell irked him. Sebastian rarely mentioned the event at all, actually, and when he did, it was with a certain resignation of having to do something, like going to the dentist. That night months ago when he’d casually informed Parker about the marriage, he’d seemed detached, as if there was no joy in agreeing to marry someone. And Sebastian had been stinking drunk and had fallen face-down into bed without so much as a gleaming look in Parker’s direction. Just as well. Parker wasn’t sure he could have hidden his upset at the news if his master had remained conscious.
He’d been relieved when Sebastian had eventually turned to him in the night and slowly fucked him, and even more so hearing that the marriage was one of convenience. Williard Emerson didn’t want to have sex with Sebastian. More fool him. Straight or not, it seemed impossible to Parker that anyone could resist being in bed with the gorgeous, sexy man. It was gratifying, as well, that his master had trusted him with the truth. It was a secret he guarded fiercely. Not that anyone spoke to him about it.
The summer had proceeded with all the trappings that went with a marriage for the rich. There’d been an engagement party at Sebastian’s parents’ house, to which Parker had not been invited. Thank God. Seeing everyone fawning over his master and another man would have been tortuous. Besides, Sebastian had returned rather early from the event to first spank, then fuck Parker’s ass. There had been a touch of fury in the way he’d pounded into him, as if Sebastian were mad at having gone to his own celebration. Now, with the wedding looming in the next few days, Sebastian prepared for it like any other meeting he might have—with cold efficiency. No one looking at him would think he was about to marry someone he loved.
Because he doesn’t love him. This wedding was a business transaction just like the purchasing of Mooney’s company. And it was obviously one that Sebastian didn’t find exciting or rewarding. When he spoke about the arrangements for their trip, his boredom was evident. Except when he described the place he and Parker would spend the two weeks allotted for the honeymoon. Will would spend his time at his family villa, probably with some woman, while Sebastian played with Parker. It was all going to be very civilized and discreet. Parker couldn’t imagine why any of the Endicotts and Emersons were acting as if this were normal. Surely the parents had to know what was going on. How could they be so accepting of the ruse? He thought it was kind of vulgar, but then again, what did he know? The wealthy lived by their own set of rules.
The pathetic thing was that despite the fact that it would be him, and not Will, sharing a bed with Sebastian, spurts of jealousy kept bubbling up. He had no right to those feelings. Being a debt slave meant he couldn’t have them. His job was to provide his master with sex whenever and however the man demanded it. He couldn’t expect his master to stay single or give him any thought in making his life’s plans. Parker should simply be happy to not be shunted aside, or worse, rented out to another man. His contract permitted either of those things. The fact that Sebastian still wanted him was as much as he could hope for. It was he who was being inappropriate having these tender feelings—this love—for Sebastian.
So he hid his thoughts and dutifully followed Sebastian back into the boardroom and, taking his place once more in the corner, sat down to watch the rest of the negotiating. Really, his seat was the perfect metaphor of his role in his master’s life. He occupied a small corner of it and had a limited role in everything. He needed to stick to his place and if he dreamed about having more? Well, that was his problem and his alone.
* * * *
Parker had never been in a private plane before. His only experience flying had been a trip to Chicago to visit the last remaining relative on either side of his family. He’d been old enough to understand his father hoped the elderly man would leave them something in his will, and he’d been right. Too bad his father had gambled away the small legacy. He forced the bitterness of his past from his mind and took in his luxurious surroundings.
He ran his fingers over the soft leather seat. “This is so cool. Will anyone else be joining us?” The plane could seat at least twenty people, by his count.
Sebastian settled in beside him. “No. We’re being extra cruel to the planet with this trip. My parents already left in another of the company’s jets with Milo and his family. Naturally, I couldn’t expect my best man to come without his wife and children, and traveling with a toddler and an infant is too difficult to leave them to a commercial flight.” He slid his hand between Parker’s legs and squeezed his caged cock. “We have it all to ourselves. Other than the pilot and co-pilot, there’s no one else aboard, and they know to stick to the cockpit. Of course, that means we’ll have to fend for ourselves for food or drink, but I don’t mind. You can serve me, actually, won’t you?”
Arousal shot through him, as it always did when his master touched him. “Of course, Master. Whatever you want.” He squirmed as the pressure on his cock increased. “Does sex feel different when you’re thirty thousand feet in the air?” He fluttered his lashes.