Page 29 of Bound to Him

“Why would you think that? If it had, I’d have told you.”

“I haven’t been available to talk to you much these last few weeks.” He put his arm around Milo’s shoulder as they headed for the living room. “I’ve missed you.”

“Jesus Christ, I haven’t seen you this drunk since college.” He steered Sebastian onto the couch. “You didn’t drive, did you?”

Sebastian took affront with that question. “Uber.”

“Okay, that’s good. Let me get you some coffee, then you can explain how you went from single with a…sex slave to engaged within a matter of weeks.” His friend’s disgust was written plainly on his face.

Sebastian grabbed his arm and pulled him down beside him. “I don’t want coffee. I want your advice.”

Milo sighed. “Okay. What’s going on?”

“The Endicott and Emerson family heads have decided that Williard Emerson and I would make the perfect couple. Somehow, his parents have turned a blind eye to how unutterably straight he is. And thus, his relentless courting and now proposal. We marry, father separate children while he lives in London, then make happy families to the amusement of the outside world once he returns to Boston while living our own sex lives in secret. Perfect, huh?”

“That sounds about as fucked up as I’ve ever heard. You’re going to marry a man who you don’t love, can’t have sex with, father children separately and live with them apart for some number of years like it’s that movie—Parent Trap? You can’t be seriously entertaining that idea.”

Sebastian dropped his head on the back of the sofa. “I said yes.” He held up his left hand. “No ring, though. Don’t you think if a man’s going to propose, the least he can do is give over a ring.”

“Stop talking nonsense. You don’t wear rings and when did you become such a…”

“Don’t say pussy. Pussies are powerful things.”

“I was going to say wimp. It’s not like you to let some guy lead you around by the nose.”

“It doesn’t matter. This will shut James and Gloria up, and I have Parker to go home to. I like being with Parker. I love having sex with Parker.” He let his eyes drift shut. “I love Parker.”

Milo started laughing, a big belly laugh that was no less so even though he was keeping it quiet. Milo slapped him on the thigh as his laughter died down. “I can’t tell you how much I enjoy hearing you’ve been caught in a trap of your own making. Buying a slave? That was a shitty thing to do. The fact that you’ve fallen in love with the boy, and so quickly, is no more than you deserve.”

Feeling a little sick from the booze and the conversation, Sebastian nevertheless forced himself to sit up. “Do you think Parker could ever love me back?”

Milo sobered. “How the fuck should I know? And how the fuck would you know if his feelings were genuine or just another way to please the man who owns him?”

Sebastian rubbed his face, the drunkenness dissipating. “You’re right. I can’t.” He gave his friend a weary look. “This heritage thing weighs me down. I can’t shake generations of expectations built over hundreds of years. I need to marry someone who is my equal in wealth and social standing and produce the next generation. I’ve always known and accepted that. The idea of marrying a guy who doesn’t even want me, someone who I otherwise enjoy being with…? Will’s right, it’s the perfect solution.”

“Then why are you here, dumping your woes on me?”

Sebastian tossed up his hands. “I don’t know. You’re my best friend in the world and I guess I just needed to talk it through with someone.”

Milo patted his knee. “I’m here for you anytime, but I can’t tell you that I think this is a good idea.” He pointed to the ceiling. “Up there is the person I want to lie down next to for the rest of my life and the child that we created in love. And she’s carrying the next one, too. When I look at her?” He shook his head. “I don’t have the words for how my heart and pride swells. I want that for you, too, son, because I love you like a brother.”

Sebastian laid his head on Milo’s shoulder. Unlike Will, this was a straight man who didn’t shy away from physical contact. “I love you, too. And I know what I’m going to do even though I also know it’s a shit thing.” He sat up on a sigh. “Will you be my best man?”

“I’d punch you if you picked anyone else. But don’t ask me to plan a bachelor party for the two of you. I mean, what kind of strippers would I get?” Milo shook his head. “A straight man marrying a gay one for the sake of money and prestige. What is this world coming to?”

* * * *

“I can see myself sticking around for another year, but three is pushing it too damn much. I’m an old man, after all.”

From his position in the corner, Parker listened with avid ears as the terms of the acquisition were hammered out. He hadn’t experienced this kind of transaction before and it was fascinating to watch how a self-made man exited from the company he had created.

Sebastian sat at the head of the table, seemingly relaxed, as always. Parker knew him too well now to be fooled.

“Chris, we both know that this business’s success is due to your inspiration, innovation, blood, sweat and tears. And yes, others can step into your shoes—over time. I need you to keep skin in the game for three years to make the transition. Otherwise, I’ll worry I’ve bought a pig in a poke.”

The seller, Mr. Mooney, bristled at the idea. “Really now, Sebastian, you’ve done your due diligence. You know how the company runs. There’s no reason to think my leaving will cause any diminishment in the running of things. I can give eighteen months.”

Sebastian appeared to consider the offer, gaze unfocused, tapping a pen on his knee. Parker knew better. His master had spoken to him about this meeting the previous night after he’d fucked him long and hard. This was where the man had expected to end up in the negotiations. It was a kind of game, he’d said, where the players pretend as if they don’t know where they are going to set the finish line. It was still fascinating to watch it play out.