Page 24 of Bound to Him

Why am I suddenly questioning all of this?

His father continued to drone on about family, marriage and duty, but Sebastian wasn’t listening. Instead, his thoughts stayed on Parker. He wondered how the boy was enjoying his visit with his mother and sisters. They were no doubt having a more relaxed meal and the presents Parker would have been able to bring them with the cash Sebastian had gifted him were surely making them all very happy. The look of astonishment and gratitude on Parker’s face when he’d handed him the thousand dollars had made him feel like a giant. He did love being generous with family and friends. It was hard to slot the slave into either of those categories. It didn’t change the warm feeling inside him at simply reliving the moment. He wanted to do even more to make the boy happy.

Sebastian stood abruptly before he’d even finished the thought. “I’ll take all of this under advisement, Dad. Please say goodbye to Mom for me.”

He rushed past his father, who sputtered to say something at the rude departure, and was out of the door in seconds.

The rain had stopped and the sun was pushing its way past the clouds. If the change in weather held, his newly forming plans of how to spend the evening would come off with perfection. He hopped into his car and raced down the driveway. With the Sunday traffic being relatively light, he’d arrive home in time to give Beasley his orders on what to prepare for the dinner forming in his mind. Parker had promised to be home by five. That would give them time for a quick tumble because God, thoughts of his slave always made him achingly hard. Then they would have an extravagant meal al fresco on the patio in privacy before… Sebastian frowned to himself. He needed to come up with a delightful way to spend the evening that didn’t involve merely more sex. Well, something would come to him.

When he arrived home, he shouted for his manservant before he’d fully entered his home. “Beasley! I need you now.”

The man came out looking rather annoyed at the shrill demand and dressed down for the half day off. “Mr. Endicott, I wasn’t expecting you back so soon.”

Momentarily thrown by the sight of his fastidious servant in jeans and a T-shirt, Sebastian didn’t answer right away. “I can see that. You know, you should dress casually like that more often. It’s very flattering.”

Beasley’s nose went up a notch in the air. “Hardly, sir. It would not be appropriate for me to be less than proper or more enticing in this household.”

The man said it with such obviously staged hauteur that Sebastian couldn’t help laughing. “Well, then put on your glad rags because tonight’s dinner is going to be an extravagant affair.”

That cheered up Beasley. He liked being challenged in his job. “Are we having guests over?”

Sebastian bound for the stairs. “No, it’s just me and Parker.” He stopped midstride and turned. “I want to give him a special night. He’s been such a good boy that he deserves some pampering.”

Beasley somewhat surprised him by not getting his nose out of joint over laboring for a slave’s enjoyment. “He is a very nice young man, isn’t he? Polite, appreciative…tidy,” he added with a pointed look at Sebastian. “I doubt a little spoiling will ruin his demeanor. What should I prepare?”

Sebastian continued on his way. “I’ll leave that up to you.”

“Very well,” Beasley called to Sebastian’s back.

Once in his bedroom, Sebastian stripped down to put on his gym clothes. He needed to work off the heavy brunch and the energy coursing through him. What to do? What to do? Beasley was taking care of the meal, but the question remained of how to make the rest of the evening something special. There was always a movie, of course. Sitting in a dark room without the pleasure of looking at his slave didn’t appeal all that much. He could take him to the game room, maybe teach him to play pool if he didn’t already know. And there were arcade games there, his secret weakness. Boys Parker’s age usually loved such things, too. That would still put too much distance between them.

The answer came to him as he tied the last of his laces. “Ah. The perfect thing.”’

He hoped so anyway, and he didn’t allow himself to question why pleasing his slave had become such a delightful goal.

* * * *

Parker was surprised how much his sadness at leaving his family at the end of such a wonderful visit dissipated as he entered Sebastian’s home with the key his master had trusted him with. He should have been tense and unhappy about returning to the place of his servitude. Yet, he wasn’t. If anything, he’d say he was feeling…anticipation and excitement. What will he do to me? In his short time as a slave, he’d experienced sex in so many ways, some amazing, some nearing torturous. All of it, however, left him aching for more. And because he wasn’t afraid or disgusted by the things Sebastian did to him, it had been easy to assure his mother and sisters that he was well and…happy, actually. He thought he’d done a good enough job of telling the truth that their worries and guilt were abated.

The gifts hadn’t hurt, either. Far from being bitter about Sebastian buying his family’s acceptance of his situation, he’d been thrilled to have such a large amount to give them. His master was a generous man. And a kind one. There was no arguing that point.

Assuming the man was in his sitting room—working, probably—and would want to use him right away, Parker hurried up.

Sebastian surprised him by not being at his desk. Instead, he was sitting up in bed, naked and reading his tablet. The moment Parker entered the room, Sebastian tossed aside the tablet, exposing his rampant cock. The mere sight of it caused Parker’s sphincter to clench the butt plug.

Sebastian was off the bed in a shot. “Come to me, dear boy.”

As soon as he was in reach, his master started tugging off his clothes with rough, hurried movements. He pulled Parker’s shirt off his head, then pushed him onto the bed to remove shoes, socks and finally, jeans and the underwear he’d allowed Parker to put on given that he was visiting his family while still caged and plugged.

“I’ve been thinking about this for hours.” Sebastian bent Parker’s legs before levering them up to pull out the plug. He replaced the silicone with his warm, silky dick, sliding in balls-deep in one long thrust.

The fucking was fast, hard and over in seconds. Sebastian threw back his head and gave a prolonged groan. He pumped a few more times before pulling out and letting go of Parker.

Sebastian grinned down at him with great satisfaction written across his face. “I needed that. Was it good for you?”

Parker caught the teasing tone. He pointed his finger at the cage, where his cock lay in frustration. This time, he hadn’t managed to come in the thing. “Not as much as I would have liked, Master.” It was surprising to realize he felt comfortable bantering with the man who owned him.

“Ah, well, perhaps we can rectify that later.” Sebastian gestured with one hand. “Come on. We need to shower and dress to go down for dinner.”