“Fuck, man! You must know how I feel about this.”
He hadn’t really considered that, actually. The whole idea of buying an indentured servant had only just popped into his head. Of course, Milo would be against the notion. Unlike the Endicotts and most other Americans, Milo’s African ancestors had been kidnapped and enslaved for generations.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Of course I understand how you feel. I’m a selfish prick, as you know.”
“I can’t agree on that assessment. You gave me my first seed capital for a crazy idea that no one else would take a risk on. You did that out of friendship, and it allowed me to become a rich man. But I can’t pretend that what you’re proposing to do is okay with me. I can’t believe I was the one to put the idea in your head.” Milo grunted over the phone.
Sebastian turned off his car and left it, continuing the call with the phone to his ear. “I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize our friendship.”
“And you’re my boy, so I’m not going to kill a fifteen-year-old relationship over this, either. I don’t like it, but if you go through with this, I don’t want you bringing the guy around my place. My kid shouldn’t think owning another person even temporarily is acceptable, and Daphne would blow a gasket. She doesn’t need strain in her condition.”
Sebastian let himself into his spacious home that was really too big for how little time he spent in it. “Of course not. I would never do something to cause your family distress. He wouldn’t be my boyfriend, after all. There’ll be no need for me to have him socialize. I haven’t decided anything anyway. It’s simply an idea I’m kicking around in my tired brain. Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you and I would have thought of it on my own. There’s no need to kick yourself over putting the idea in my head.”
“It’s all good. You didn’t. I just hope you’ll be happy someday the way I am.”
“You hopeless romantic.”
“Yeah, that’s me. Catch you later.”
As Sebastian hung up, his majordomo came out from his quarters, dressed for a quiet evening off.
“Do you require anything, sir?”
“No, thank you, Beasley. I’m turning in early.” He started upstairs.
“I see we’ve lost another shirt and jacket. The pants will have to go, too, given that you chose to wear a suit.”
Sebastian waved the comment away. “It’s of no concern, as you know. I can afford to lose some clothing.”
“I hope you at least made it through dessert this time.”
Beasley’s muttered observation made Sebastian smile. The man had been with him since graduation. He tried to imagine what it would be like if he’d bought an indentured servant to tend to his home and personal grooming. It wouldn’t be the same. Beasley was respectful, but also put Sebastian in his place when necessary. There was an easy banter between them. Someone he owned wouldn’t act like that. They’d be too afraid. How much more cowed would an indentured servant purchased purely for sex be? Such a boy would be purely passive, he expected, a thing for him to play with more than a lover.
As he entered his personal suite of rooms, he spoke firmly to himself. “No, I’m not going to acquire a living sex doll. That’s not who I am.”
Yet, once he was settled into his bed for the night, he couldn’t help turning on his tablet. It wasn’t hard to find a brokerage agency that dealt in debt slaves. The businesses had popped up even before the law had passed Congress. Now, the Commonwealth licensed the profession, so there was some regulation to ensure legitimate listings and sales were made. There were plenty of high-end agencies catering to the ultra-wealthy, too, naturally.
He picked one located in the Back Bay. Just looking. That’s what he told himself…until he opened the page for what was termed ‘intimacy servants’. Here were young, exquisite people who for one reason or another were willing to sell themselves for various periods of time. There were multiple pictures of each one, naked and clothed, as well as a list of their skills. They were all offering themselves for sex, but they had talents out of bed that might appeal to some. There was even a subcategory of those agreeing to whatever kink a master or mistress might have. That got him hard instantly, because he did like to take control in bed and a bit of light bondage and discipline had always appealed to him. It was hard finding the right guy who both attracted him and was into the same thing.
Here were many—too many, rather sadly—who were agreeing to go along with any kink regardless of what they preferred themselves. While he loved mastering someone in bed, how much enjoyment could he have knowing that his partner was only doing what he wanted because he had to, out of desperation to clear a debt too large to pay off any other way? No. Just no. The whole idea was too appalling for words. This was not who he was. He might not have time for charitable work, but he did give generously to various foundations to help the needy. He was on everyone’s ‘high-roller’ list of benefactors to hit up with donations. How could he square that willingness to help ease the life of others with the idea of buying another human being?
It was a waste of time to even look into this unseemly option just so he could have someone in his bed. He’d take his dick in his hand, get himself off and go to sleep. That was what he told himself, except he swiped to the next page and stared open-mouthed at the perfect boy. Slender, with blond hair that flopped a bit in his big, bright, blue eyes. His lips were formed into a pouty bow that begged to be breached by a man’s cock. A smooth chest led to an uncut dick the right size for Sebastian’s mouth. And the rear-view image showed a high, tight ass. The mere sight of it nearly made Sebastian come. He knew in that instant that he didn’t have as much self-control as he’d always believed.
“Oh, pretty Parker. How can I resist you?”
The simple answer was that he couldn’t. He emailed the listing agent immediately, not even blinking at the very high price set for the boy. Sebastian could afford anything he wanted. At that moment, he desired nothing more than getting Parker Jameson into his bed.
* * * *
Parker’s stomach knotted the moment he saw the caller ID. He’d only finished the paperwork with the agency the previous day and had suffered through the indignity of being photographed in the nude, all the while summoning up a coquettish smile as if becoming someone’s sex slave for the next five years was his fondest wish. He’d assumed he’d have a week, maybe two or more, before he had to enter into this scary new life he’d sold himself for. It’s too soon. Despite his resolve, he hadn’t had enough time to accept what he had coming to him.
Parker swallowed down his apprehension. “Hi, Ms. Alverez.”
“Good news, Parker!” The woman was relentlessly cheerful as if she were a kindly matchmaker instead of someone capitalizing on others’ desperation. “We have a buyer for you already.”
Parker closed his eyes briefly, trying to quell his sudden fear and put some appreciation into his voice. “That’s great. W-what do we do now?” He was sure the mechanics of being bought had been somewhere in his contract but he hadn’t bothered to read through it. It didn’t matter what it said. He had no choice in this.
“The customer wants you delivered to him at five o’clock this afternoon. I’ll pick you up at four to be certain we’re on time. You know how traffic is around Boston in the late afternoon, especially on a Friday.” The woman trilled out a laugh. “And dress in your nicest clothes, Parker. This man is from an old Boston family with more money than God. We don’t want to embarrass him when we drop you off.”