Sebastian nearly choked on his drink. “Is there going to be a next time?”
Will gave him an apologetic look. “Yes, I’m afraid. There’s only so much haranguing by my dear mother I can take. Besides,” he added before draining his bourbon, “I actually enjoy your company.”
“Me, too.” Sebastian toyed with his glass. “Fuck.”
“Not on the first date,” came the snappy reply with a devilish grin. “We’ll spend a few hours eating—what we would have anyway. Everyone’s happy that way.” Will drained his glass. “And because we’re compatible, let’s talk about something near and dear to our respective hearts—business.”
Somewhat wary, Sebastian said, “Okay. What exactly did you have in mind?”
“The China market. I have concerns like everyone else, but I also see renewed opportunity.”
His spirits buoyed by the unexpected topic, Sebastian sat forward. “I do too.” He may have been roped into this situation, but at least he was going to have a very pleasant evening.
* * * *
Parker woke as he was lifted off the plush seat of the theater chair. The second movie he’d been watching was over, the screen black, and he was being cradled in his master’s arms. He yawned. “Sorry, I must have fallen asleep.”
Sebastian’s warm embrace held him close. “I’m not surprised. You finished the pizza and the frappe and topped them off with popcorn. That would make anyone sleepy.” The man smelled of some kind of potent alcohol, but he wasn’t drunk, and appeared relaxed himself.
“Did you have a nice dinner?” he dared to ask. He’d found himself dwelling a good number of times during the evening on where Sebastian was and with whom. Having time to himself without the demands of his master should have been a treat. Instead, he’d foolishly felt…unsettled and almost sad, as if he were home waiting for a wayward husband or something.
“I did. Enough that I called for a car instead of driving home myself. I’m over the legal limit I’m sure, after consuming various types of superb alcohol.”
“What about your own car?”
“Oh, Beasley will have it picked up.”
Parker wondered what it might be like to just have things taken care of for you. Sebastian Endicott lived with the sure knowledge that his money would fix any problem. He supposed he was exhibit number one in that area. His master had wanted someone under his total control in bed and voilà, Parker was there.
He liked being carried by the man. It was intimate in a way very different from sex, tender. Not since childhood had anyone shown this kind of care for him. Sebastian didn’t put him down until they reached the bathroom and even helped him undress once they’d finished preparing for bed. Sebastian positioned him on his side, crawled in behind him and draped the comforter around their waists. He shut off the light, pulled out the plug and replaced it with his cock. Parker moaned softly at the intrusion. It was remarkable how he’d gone from being a total virgin to someone who liked being mounted. It was a blessing he hadn’t dared hope for. And it was an outcome of his servitude that was easier to accept than the weird affection he was starting to experience with Sebastian.
Except Sebastian didn’t move once he was seated to the hilt. He wrapped his arms around Parker. “Go back to sleep. I’m sadly not up for fucking and am going to serve as your plug for tonight.”
“Do you think you’ll stay hard all night, Master?” If any man could, it would be Sebastian.
“I don’t know. We’ll find out.” With a loud yawn, Sebastian fell silent and soon his heavy breathing said he was out as much as the light.
It took Parker longer. He’d slept for a while that evening and didn’t feel that sleepy. It was cozy, though, in his master’s arms. He wiggled as close as he could and basked in the feeling of being cared for. A sense of relief washed over him, taking away the tension and fear he’d been living with since his father’s death. There was nothing more to worry about. His master was in control now and had and would continue to fix all of Parker’s problems. And all the while giving him great pleasure without guilt or the need to figure out on his own what he should do. He could finally relax and let go of the crushing responsibility he’d been consumed by.
It wasn’t until his brain had nearly shut off completely before a thought popped into it. Dear God, I think I’m falling in love.
* * * *
Was Stockholm Syndrome applicable when one voluntarily became a hostage? That was the question plaguing Parker as he ran on his master’s treadmill, as it had for the last few days whenever he had time to brood. Exercising was one of those times, with no one to talk to and music not being enough of a distraction. He did enjoy the use of the home gym, though. And the running shoes that had come with his new wardrobe were amazing. He’d never felt so fast and comfortable doing cardio before. He had the place to himself because Sebastian was off playing golf that afternoon. The man hadn’t seemed very stoked about the idea, but he’d gone nevertheless. Probably because Will is making up the foursome with their fathers.
Damn. He hated this feeling of jealousy and blamed it on his crazily inappropriate growing affection for the man who fucked his ass—often after beating it—and choked him with his cock. He was being treated mostly like a sex toy because his master could do virtually anything he liked with him. He was a debt slave and this was a job, not a relationship. Affection was not in the contract. The most he could have expected was to not loathe this person who’d bought him. Falling in love with Sebastian was absurd. There was no way that was truly happening. Picking up speed, he pounded the tread, as if he could outrun the way his mind screamed liar at him.
It was a crush, maybe, and gratitude, certainly. Sebastian had relieved him of his financial burdens, leaving him free to not worry. Why wouldn’t he find himself liking the man? It was appreciation. Nothing more. And the way Sebastian seemed to enjoy spending time with Will, it was becoming pretty clear that the two men might start an intimate relationship. That meant they’d fuck, which meant Sebastian wouldn’t have as much need for a sex slave. Except for the BDSM part. Maybe Emerson wouldn’t be into the kink and Sebastian would still need Parker for that. Or, perhaps that was wishful thinking. For all he knew, Emerson was a submissive. Powerful men often were to relieve the stress of being responsible for so much. If so, Parker would see less of his master and probably do mostly what he liked in this house that was nearly like living in a mall given what it contained. It would be hard to get bored here, and maybe he could take some free online classes in business, too. Any amount of learning would help him once his contract was done.
Parker slowed down his workout to cool off, then came to a stop. He wiped his sweaty face with a towel as he left the gym and trotted up the back stairs to the bedroom. Beasley was nowhere to be seen or heard, but the man would call to him via the intercom when it was lunchtime to see what he wanted. Parker kept expecting the stuffy guy to shoot him dirty looks or give him little digs when the master wasn’t around. That never happened, however. Beasley treated Parker like a guest even when there was no one except the two of them to know one way or another. It was a nice surprise, and maybe if Sebastian became more involved with Williard Emerson, Parker could hang out with Beasley, help him with the chores. That would occupy his time and make him feel like something more useful than a piece of furniture waiting for his owner to make use of him.
After indulging in a long shower, he went to the wardrobe that had now been designated as his to find something to wear. He no longer noticed the rings keeping his cock in check and cleaning and re-inserting his plug had become routine. This he did notice as it pressed against his prostate. The simmering arousal that would lead to nowhere until his master was ready to permit it was something he’d come to enjoy. He eyed the pile of neatly folded boxers in the top drawer. Sebastian had decided to have him do without underwear every day for his own pleasure, but the master wasn’t here now and hadn’t specifically forbidden it. So, Parker slid on a pair, reveling in the way the silky material caressed his skin. He then slipped on a pair of jeans that looked worn and felt soft even though they were brand new, and pulled a plain blue T-shirt over his head. Although he didn’t know for sure, he was willing to bet the clothing he wore at that moment would have cost an amount equal to a monthly payment on his father’s old debt. The situation was crazy if he stopped to think about it.
Parker padded barefoot into the sitting room and grabbed his tablet before sitting with his feet tucked under him on one of the roomy wing-backed chairs. He hadn’t yet done more than text his mother his new phone number since his purchase. A video chat was long overdue. He knew she must be worried about him and seeing him would help allay her fears, as long as he was careful in what he said. There was no way he was going to get into the details of his sex life with her. He’d focus instead on the opulent lifestyle he now led. She’d be happy to learn he’d fallen into clover.
His mother answered the video chat almost immediately. He’d texted he would try to call this afternoon and she’d obviously been waiting for it.
Her lovely face came into view and she smiled with obvious delight. “Parker, sweetheart, I’m so glad you called!”