“Good.” He really needed to leave or he’d be late, and he hated that in himself and others. Still, his feet seemed to be stuck to the carpet. “What would you like to have…for dinner?”
“Whatever Mr. Beasley wants to make will be fine.”
Sebastian shook his head. “No. He’ll make something suited to my tastes. What do you want? He can make or order in literally anything.”
His slave’s answer made him smile.
Before he could think of any other reason to procrastinate, he left and jogged down to the foyer. Beasley materialized to open the door for him.
As Sebastian breezed past, he put in the order. “Pepperoni pizza and a coffee frappe, if you please. And he’ll eat in the theater, which you have to show him to and how to operate the remote.”
“Very good, sir. Enjoy your evening out with Mr. Emerson. The young gentleman is from a fine family, I believe.”
“As I well know.” He stopped and frowned back at this manservant. “Has my mother been talking to you?”
“Constantly, sir. I mostly ignore what she says and naturally make no promises to entreat you on her behalf. I believe she nevertheless labors under the mistaken belief that I am her…mole.”
“Let her continue to think that, and report back to me whenever you learn something I would like to know. You’ll make an excellent double agent, Beasley.”
“Yes, sir.”
Sebastian drove to the restaurant Williard had picked. It happened to be the very one where he’d been doused with wine not so long ago. The fact that it was a favorite of both of them was irksome. His mother really had found a man well-suited to him.
He winked at the maître d’ as he walked in. “No wine-based theatrics tonight, Anton. I’m looking for Mr. Emerson.”
The man nodded. “This way, please, Mr. Endicott.”
Will was waiting for him at a round booth in the back, where it was more private. He was already halfway into something that looked suspiciously like the restaurant’s bespoke bourbon. Damn it. As he joined his dinner companion, a server put the same drink in front of him.
“I believe that’s your preference, but please say if you want anything else.” Will’s voice was charming, with a hint of amusement.
“This is perfect. Thank you,” he said to the server. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“Only a little.” Will raised a tablet from the seat. “I got some work done as I waited.”
“Yet another thing we have in common, then.” Sebastian took a healthy slug of his drink. “I do the same thing when I’m waiting for someone. I simply hate wasted time.”
“We were cultivated in the same garden, so no surprise we’re so similar.” The man’s gaze was very direct. He appeared confounded by that fact as much as Sebastian was.
Changing the subject, Sebastian tapped the menu near him. “I know what I want.”
Will pushed his own menu aside. “So do I.”
The server slid silently up to the table, hands behind her back. “Gentlemen, you’re ready to order?”
“Yes.” Will gestured to Sebastian to go first.
“I’ll have the beef carpaccio appetizer, Caesar salad with anchovies, and the Chilean sea bass.”
Will sat back with a sigh. “The same, please. And ask the sommelier to pair the courses with whatever wine she recommends.” He raised an eyebrow at Sebastian.
He gave a curt nod of agreement before taking another long sip of his bourbon. “I guess this is a date?”
“It would seem so.”
“I’m not used to being the one taken out. I’d object to your assuming the hold on the reins as you have if not for the fact that you’re doing everything I want to do anyway.”
“Sorry. I guess we’re both used to being in charge. You can have a turn next time.”