Page 14 of Bound to Him

“And the plug goes back in?” Parker surprised himself with the question.

Sebastian squeezed him briefly. “And the plug. Rest now. I’ve got you and after this, we’ll have a nice simple supper. And after that, we’ll see how far down your throat we can get my dick.”

Parker’s limp cock jerked as if trying to rise again. “Yes, Master.” Utterly boneless and relaxed, he let his mind drift. Then something popped up. “Oh, Master, I was to remind you to text Enrico about your racket ball…appointment.” He’d nearly said “date” and for some reason, as he thought of how obviously that man, Williard, was hitting on Sebastian, he felt a spurt of jealousy. Ridiculous. He’s not my boyfriend. Sebastian might even want to share him with Williard if they did strike up a relationship. Parker didn’t like that idea, but it wasn’t his decision to make. He only had to obey.

“Not to worry. I’ve already done it.”

Parker didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed that Sebastian had remembered. It didn’t matter anyway. The master was free to do what he wanted. And besides, for now, it was up to him to please the man. There were only the two of them for the rest of the day and despite how he’d only been a slave for a few days, he couldn’t deny that he rather liked his situation. Maybe Sebastian was right—he was born to be a submissive. Who knew?

Chapter Five

Sebastian scored the winning point, then bent over and clasped his knees to recover his breath. Will had proven to be a challenging opponent. The game had been an enjoyable one because they were so evenly matched in skill. And the man his parents were dangling in front of him was turning out to be good company, as well. Damn, his mother was getting better at picking out his suiters.

Will held out his hand, panting heavily, sweat dripping down his nicely formed body. “Good game.”

Sebastian shook. “Yes, it was.” He cracked his neck. “I hate to have to get back to work, but this was invigorating.” It was simply a form of politeness saying he didn’t want to leave the man’s company. The truth was, Sebastian always loved getting back to work. He couldn’t help himself, which was the main reason he made such a lousy boyfriend.

Williard surprised him once more. He gave Sebastian a rueful grin. “You don’t need to stand on ceremony with me, Sebastian. I expect we’re both keen to return to the mountain of work we have to do. I’ve been accused of being a workaholic. I bet you have, too.”

Sebastian appreciated the candor. “I have. I don’t take it as an insult, which both puzzles and infuriates the people accusing me of it.”

Will raised his shoulders. “Just another thing we have in common.”

They packed up their gear in companionable silence, then headed for the locker room. There weren’t many people around in the middle of a workday, so Sebastian had the luxury of checking Williard out once they were both standing naked under shower heads. The man was nice to look at, his lean muscles and large cock matching Sebastian’s physicality pretty closely. Williard was the kind of guy he’d have normally pursued—before Parker. That boy had demonstrated what he’d really craved his whole adult life. So pretty and perfect and wholly compliant. And he liked the spanking. There was no doubt of it in his mind. The force of the boy’s climax in the tub had confirmed it. And it had been Parker who’d valiantly choked himself on Sebastian’s dick later that evening, trying to swallow it whole, without Sebastian needing to pressure him.

Yes, he’d made the right choice with that debt slave. And if he wasn’t careful, his pleasure in the decision would show to all around him. He quickly washed and left to change into street clothes before that happened.

Will joined him minutes later and as they both dressed, said, “How about we have dinner tomorrow night? I mean, we both need to eat and a quick meal at one’s desk does grow tiresome after a while.”

Sebastian was slightly taken aback at the unexpected invitation. He’d assumed they were both there to pay casual obedience to familial expectations and would make a show of it for a while longer for form’s sake. Will must be interested beyond his parents’ pressure to pursue him so quickly. “Dinner?”

The man gave him a bright smile. “Yeah, you know, we eat together. At a restaurant. Just the two of us,” he emphasized.

As yes, no sex slave being a third wheel.

Sebastian nearly refused. He didn’t like encouraging his matchmaking mother, but Will had been something of a friend back in his childhood because they did have a lot in common. But for Parker, he would have pursued the man for at least some fun times in bed. He didn’t want the man that way now, however, and certainly didn’t want to lead him on when there was zero chance of marrying him. Zero? He mentally shook his head when the thought of a permanent match didn’t immediately repulse him.

Sebastian shut his locker door and hefted his gym bag onto his shoulder. “That sounds nice, actually. Have your admin contact mine about when and where.”

“Great. I’ll do that.”

They parted ways at the front door. Sebastian walked back to his office, preferring the additional exercise given the bright, warm day. As he got closer, he started to get excited about seeing Parker again. Instead of planning out the rest of his workday, as he’d typically do after taking a break, he couldn’t keep his thoughts off his slave and what he wanted to do to the boy next. By the time he’d entered the office building, he’d worked himself up to an intolerable state. He tapped his toes as the elevator took its damn sweet time climbing up to his floor and once he stepped off it, he all but sprinted down the hall to his office.

Sebastian tossed his bag in Enrico’s direction. “See that gets to Beasley.”

“Yes, sir.”

Sebastian made himself pause before opening his office door. Such eagerness was a bit unseemly, he thought. Still, his heartbeat increased to a sprinting level when he caught sight of the boy lounging on the sofa, reading his tablet.

Parker jumped to his feet the moment he saw him. “Hello, Master.”

Sebastian closed them in and walked as sedately as he knew how over to his slave. He was hard already. Naturally. He caught Parker’s head between his hands and pulled the boy up to kiss him. Maybe this wasn’t the done thing with a sex slave, but Sebastian didn’t give a toss. He wanted to taste that boy and hadn’t really done so yet. Pressing his tongue inside Parker’s mouth, he made a thorough sweep of it. By the time he was willing to let go, they were both breathless.

“I need you now.” The force of it nearly alarmed him. When Parker started to drop to his knees, Sebastian held him upright. “Not that.”

Grabbing his slave’s hand, he pulled him into the ensuite private bathroom. Need drove him to whirl the boy around and brace him against the vanity. He had Parker’s newly arrived jeans down to his knees in no time. Morelli had provided underwear, as requested, but Sebastian had ordered Parker not to wear it that day. He liked the idea of his slave going commando.

Despite his cock’s insistence, he took a moment to admire the bruising on the boy’s ass. He’d walloped him good and loved seeing the remnants of it. Tracing his fingers along the mottled skin, he relived the experience in his mind. Parker had enjoyed the spanking, he was sure of it. He hadn’t used his safe word, in any event. Sebastian wondered where the line would be on that, although he didn’t necessarily want to find it. Sex with his slave wasn’t going to be as much fun if the boy didn’t get some pleasure out of it too.