Page 13 of Bound to Him

Parker could only nod. The way the plug rubbed against his prostate was deliciously torturous. He tried not to move but couldn’t stop himself. He yelped when Sebastian delivered a sharp smack to his ass. His heartbeat quickened and he panted through his next breaths.

Sebastian rubbed the skin he’d just abused. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw it on the agency’s website. Did you like it?”

“I-I don’t know, Master.” He wanted to say he hated it but he’d promised to give himself over to this man no matter what. As a toy, it wasn’t his place to like or not what his master did to him. Plus, he wasn’t sure he’d be speaking the truth anyway.

The man grabbed Parker’s cock and tugged. “I bet if this were liberated, you’d go off like a rocket. You were made to be a submissive, dear boy.”

As with before, not knowing how he felt about that observation, Parker remained silent.

Sebastian smacked him again and gave him a little shove. “Go bend over the side of the bed.”

Parker did as ordered, his heart pounding so hard, he worried it might burst. He stared at the bed as if it were at the end of a long tunnel. His breath shuddered out of him as he braced his midriff against the edge of the mattress and bent himself over. With the side of his face pressed against the downy comforter and his eyes closed, he clenched his fingers around the material. And waited.

Sebastian sat next to him and once more ran his palm down Parker’s back. “I can do anything I want with you. Can’t I, because that’s what you agreed to?”

Parker swallowed past the lump that had suddenly risen in his throat. “Yes, Master.”

Sebastian dug his fingers into one ass cheek. “And there’s so much I’ve been dreaming of doing for a while now. All it took was for me to have complete dominion over my bed partner. I don’t have time for games, only pursuing pleasure. I’m going to enjoy experimenting on you. The mere thought of it makes me painfully hard.”

As there didn’t seem to be anything expected of him in the way of response, Parker remained silent.

“Even so,” Sebastian mused as he once more petted Parker’s ass. “There are always limits and I’m not a monster. So, if I do anything that you absolutely can’t tolerate, you are to say the word ‘red’. If I hear it, I’ll stop what I’m doing and we can discuss it.” He squeezed the flesh he clasped painfully. “If I think you are taking advantage of my generosity in that, I’ll take away the privilege and we’ll both have to live with the possibility that you pull out of this arrangement for good if I take things too far for you. I don’t want that and I’m sure you don’t, either. So let’s not tempt fate. Do you understand?”

Parker’s breath stuttered out of him. “Yes, Master.” It helped knowing that he had that safety valve if things got out of hand. He had no idea what Sebastian intended to do, but this was indeed what Parker had agreed to. So, he would take whatever the man threw at him and if he felt the urge to use the safe word, he’d remind himself that this was for his family. Every ounce of pain inflicted upon him kept a roof over their heads. It was worth it.

The first smack came without warning, although he wasn’t surprised that a spanking was what Sebastian had in mind. He couldn’t hold back the yelp. The man’s hand hitting his ass was a sharp sting. No one had ever done this to him before, but he didn’t think it was too bad. After the first hit, he was able to grunt his way through it. At least for a while. The blows came quicker and harder as they increased. Mild discomfort morphed into true pain all of a sudden. He wiggled without thought, trying to avoid the next smack. His master merely pressed one hand on the small of his back, holding him in place while the other hand landed again and again.

Grunts turned into cries. He couldn’t hold back anymore. “Please, Master, stop! Please!” He didn’t say the one word he knew the man would listen to because he couldn’t just fold already and he hoped that his begging would be enough for the man to stop.

Sebastian rubbed his palm against the tender flesh, causing both discomfort and an odd sense of pleasure. “Stay silent. If you do, I’ll deliver five more blows and be done. Understand?”

Parker could only nod. He clamped his lips shut and swallowed down his pleas, then counted the hits as they came. One. Two. Three. Four. And oh God, five. It had been nearly impossible to remain silent with that last one. His master’s hand landed so hard it practically lifted him off the bed and left his poor ass hurting like fire.

His master was good to his word, though. He removed both hands from Parker and moved to stand between his legs, pushing them apart as wide as they could go. The plug came out and was replaced with Sebastian’s long, thick cock in one swift action. The man groaned with a staggering breath as he clasped Parker’s hips and ground his pelvis against Parker’s abused ass.

Parker whimpered from the pain, yet he also bucked his hips without thought, rubbing his trapped cock against the covers. There was no erection possible, of course, but it didn’t stop him from trying as his master pounded himself inside him. The combination of pain and pleasure short-circuited his brain. He panted against the comforter, shaking and moaning until Sebastian’s cock swelled within him and released its cum.

Sebastian practically howled as he thrust hard and deep until, with a final groan, he draped his body over Parker. His harsh breath bathed Parker and his heavy body pressed him into the mattress. It was hard to breathe himself, but Parker remained still and pliant, his mind drifting from exhaustion.

“That was amazing, dear boy.” Sebastian’s voice was low and almost dreamy in its tone. “To think I almost didn’t buy you.”

Parker didn’t have time to respond, not that he knew what to say to that observation. His master stood and pulled his cock out of him. Then he lifted Parker off the bed, steadying him on his feet.

“Time for a bath.” The man tipped Parker’s chin up and planted a kiss on his lips. “Oh, the things I will do to you.”

With that ominous promise, Sebastian guided Parker into the bathroom and sat him down on the edge of the large jacuzzi tub. The coolness of the marble felt heavenly to his poor ass. When the tub was full, Sebastian turned off the tap and swirled some kind of bath salts in. Then he surprised Parker by removing the cock ring.

“I think you’ve earned a reward, don’t you?”

Parker was surprised when his dick started to rise. Not knowing what was permissible, he merely sat there staring dumbly at it.

Sebastian laughed. “So well trained already. Don’t worry. I’ll let you come soon.”

He helped Parker into the tub before joining him. The hotness stung Parker’s raw flesh, but Sebastian didn’t give him a chance to acclimate, making him quickly sit all the way down. He couldn’t hold back the hiss of pain and was surprised to see that his cock was fully hard now.

Sebastian lay beside him with his arm slung around Parker’s shoulders and pulled him close. Reaching between Parker’s legs, he thrust two fingers inside him without warning. The sudden invasion made him gasp, and when Sebastian rubbed against his prostate, he closed his eyes and moaned long and loudly. The force of his sudden orgasm would have made him double over if Sebastian hadn’t kept him in place. He shuddered so hard, the water sloshed, and his moans ended in whimpers. When he was spent, he collapsed against his master, heaving as if he’d run a marathon.

Sebastian kissed the top of his head as the jets started up. “I told you the waiting would make coming all the better.” He pulled out his fingers and cuddled Parker even closer. “Of course, the cock ring goes back on as soon as we finish this bath.”