Page 12 of Bound to Him

He turned to Hilda. “We’ll need one more place setting please.”

The woman showed a flicker of embarrassment before saying, “Certainly, Mr. Sebastian.”

His mother pursed her lips in disapproval as a place was made for Parker to sit beside him. But she pivoted quickly back to gracious host. “Will, why don’t you sit on Sebastian’s other side.”

The man couldn’t hide a brief grimace before he switched from where he’d started to sit next to his mother so that his father could sit opposite to her, to take the chair next to Sebastian. The subtext he’d noticed in the parlor became clear to him. Another set up. His parents had accepted his being gay pretty readily. They still expected him to make a ‘good marriage’, however, and had thrown any number of what they deemed as suitable candidates in his direction. They wanted him to get on with the business of passing his genes along to the next generation of Endicotts.

He exchanged what he imagined was a mutual expression of resignation with Will as the guy took his seat. A couple of staff members served their plates of food. Orders for preferences would have been taken in advance to ensure that everyone received what they wanted to eat. Sebastian’s standing order was eggs benedict, so that’s what he got, as did Parker. Hilda was nothing if not quick on her feet. The boy stared down at the poached eggs smothered in perfect, glossy hollandaise sauce. Although he said nothing, naturally, Sebastian could tell by the look on his face that he was psyching himself up to tuck in.

Sebastian picked up Parker’s plate before he started eating and held it out to one of the staff. “With my compliments to the chef, as always, would you please ask her to make some French toast and bacon?”

The young man liberated him of the plate. “Of course, sir. It won’t be but a moment.”

His mother breathed noisily through her nose as she cut into her egg white omelet. “If you’re going to make a habit of bringing your…companion to brunch, Sebastian, you’ll have to let Hilda know in advance what he prefers.”

He gave her one of his most ingratiating smiles. “Certainly, Mother. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it before arriving.” A basket filled with mini-pastries was put in the middle of the table. He plucked out a croissant and put it on Parker’s bread plate. “This should tide you over.”

Breaking off a piece, the boy said, “Thank you, sir.” His eyelashes fluttered as he leaned forward then back again, a sure sign that the plug was making itself known.

Sebastian clasped Parker’s thigh under the table to remind him that he needed to remain still. Knowing that the plug provided a temptation that overrode his orders pleased Sebastian, however. He actually managed to converse with his intended paramour. “Do you plan on staying the whole summer in Boston, Will?”

The man finished chewing his mouthful of bloody steak. “Through July, certainly. I need to attend to some things on this side of the pond and Zoom meetings notwithstanding, it’s good for the rank and file to see me in person on occasion and for me to get a feel for how our operations are going.”

Sebastian enjoyed the decadence of his once a week treat as it coated his tongue before answering. “I understand completely. I’ve got a trip coming up in the late fall to India. Our man there runs the operation very well, but I like to drop in now and again. And the country is a lovely place to take a few days’ vacation.” As he said it, he couldn’t help picturing the fun he’d have bringing Parker.

A plate of golden French toast and crispy bacon was being put in front of the slave, along with a pot of syrup. Parker looked at Sebastian briefly for permission before smothering his food as he’d done during his first breakfast with him. He began to eat with the same lovely table manners that he’d shown to date. At least Gloria couldn’t fault the boy for that.

“Do you play racket ball, by any chance?”

Sebastian returned his attention to Williard. “I do, as it happens.”

Will seemed to swallow something hard—or distasteful. “Could I interest you in a game tomorrow? I like to take a break mid-day whenever I can. Clears the brain and gives me a boost.” The man’s gaze darted away from him.

Sebastian couldn’t miss the looks of satisfaction on both mothers’ faces. He knew there was only one answer to give and maybe if he and Will got the courtship out of the way early, there would be less recrimination when the arrangement failed to bear fruit. Ha, if only. “That sounds enticing. I usually get my workout done in the morning but I’ve been known to play a game during the day, as well.”

That much was true. Milo could always lure him away from his desk and did so with frequency. But for the Parker situation, he would have already made plans with his old friend. There was really nothing to do except accept.

Will gave him what might have been called a smile. “Great, I’ll meet you at the club at two, if that suits.”

“It does, thanks.” He turned to Parker. “Please remind me to text Enrico to add that into my schedule.”

With his mouthful, Parker could only nod. His lips were shiny with syrup once more, giving Sebastian the urge to lean down and lick it off. He’d actually started to do just that when his father’s gruff laugh reminded him of where he was. Sadly, he had to rein himself in and socialize with the others as if he didn’t have a fuckable boy within reach. Later. With that promise ringing in his head, he joined the conversation with the automatic reflexes drilled into him from birth. Still, a part of his mind remained fixed on Parker and the fun they would have once he had him back home.

* * * *

Parker stood naked, except for his cock cage and the plug embedded in his ass, waiting for his master’s instructions. His stomach was comfortably full from the delicious brunch he’d had at his master’s childhood home. He’d seen the lives of the extremely wealthy on TV before, or at least what those seeking attention were willing to share. It had still been a shock to enter the palatial opulence of the Endicott home. It was even bigger and grander than Sebastian’s townhouse. Everything sparkled and awed. He hadn’t dared gawk too much, but from what he’d seen, it had been like a fantasy world within the normal one where most everyone else lived. And the staff! There’d been so many, racing around like silent wraiths, delivering flawless service. Not one of them had even so much as flickered a mean or disapproving look at him, even though he assumed they were scandalized by his presence.

That couldn’t be said for his master’s parents. Mrs. Endicott in particular had given him a few withering looks when her son hadn’t been paying attention. It was a good thing he’d been told to keep his gaze downward whenever possible because he didn’t think he could hold back shooting her a resentful look in return. Slave he might be, but he didn’t feel inferior to people like that. Only poorer. And for that reason, he was where he was—fearful and excited in equal measure to see what his master intended to do with him for the rest of the day.

Sebastian had taken a call after telling him to strip down and wait with his hands clasped behind his back. The man’s voice drifted into the bedroom, commanding and decisive, giving orders about some business deal or other. As soon as he finished, he came into the room and stared at him with an approving smile.

“Very good, dear boy. Your positioning could do with some work, however. Shoulders back, and all that.”

Parker immediately tried to stand straighter and was rewarded with a quick nod. Sebastian then proceeded to take off his own clothes. His movements were quick, efficient, yet also graceful. It took no time at all for the man to be equally naked, his cock jutting out. Parker clenched around the plug at the sight, which in turn sent sparks to his own dick. As usual, its efforts at hardening were thwarted.

Sebastian approached with lazy steps and laser focus on Parker, looking like some predator patiently stalking its prey. His eyes were narrowed and his nostrils flared on deep breaths. He stopped beside Parker and ran a hand down his back to cup his ass. The simple touch caused a shiver to shoot down his spine.

Sebastian squeezed. “Your pert rump drives me wild. There’s so much I want to do with it.” The man’s voice dropped to nearly a whisper and his warm breath tickled Parker’s ear. He pressed a finger against the base of the plug and toggled it. “Do you like how this fills you? Makes your lovely cock want to get hard, doesn’t it?”