Sebastian sat straight and opened his eyes. “Well, you are a fast learner, dear boy.” The man cupped Parker’s chin and surprised him with a quick kiss on the lips. “Hmm, you taste like I imagine I do. I like the idea of my scent being on you.” He gazed at Parker intensely. “You think you can’t take all of me down your throat, but I’ll prove you wrong about that.”
Sebastian let go. “Up now. I need a shower and Mr. Morelli will be here soon.”
Somewhat dazed, Parker stood and followed his master back to his suite. While the man showered, Parker explored the sitting room because he hadn’t been ordered to do otherwise. There was a desk in one corner with a computer, but it was the two walls of bookshelves reaching up to the ceiling that caught his attention. Outside of a library, he’d never seen so many books. They were all leather-bound and some of them looked to be very old. He peered closely at the spines and saw that they were arranged by subject and alphabetically by authors’ names. He hoped he’d have a chance to read some of them.
His focus landed on a large book sitting on a dark wood podium in the far corner. He went to see what it was, his curiosity piqued even more. That the book was old was obvious, but what really stood out was that it was closed by an attached metal clasp with a keyhole keeping it locked. It was something like out of a fantasy movie. He couldn’t help reaching out and running his fingers over it.
“It’s a grimoire.” Sebastian stood in the doorway to his bedroom, freshly washed and wearing jeans and a casual button-down shirt. Even with wet hair carelessly tousled on his head, the man was beautiful enough to cause Parker’s breath to catch.
Parker pulled his hand away from the book. “I thought that was all make-believe.”
“Oh, no.” Sebastian sauntered over. “They are quite real. This one is sixteenth century and in Latin. Would you like to look inside?”
Parker couldn’t hide his eagerness. “Yes, please.”
His master stood beside him, smelling of the body wash he used in his shower. He pulled out a key from a shelf underneath the podium and unlocked the grimoire.
The pages crackled with age as Sebastian opened to a page in the middle. The writing was gibberish to Parker, in a language he didn’t read and with stylized letters. There were drawings, as well, taking up part of each page, gruesome images for the most part. Still fascinating, though.
Parker peered down. “Are these spells, do you think?”
“Indeed they are. Mostly it contains recipes for ancient medicines but it also explains how to make up potions to cause someone to fall in love with you or for driving your enemy mad.”
Parker looked at the man. “Can you read it?”
Sebastian raised his eyebrows. “My dear boy, I had the finest education money can buy, so of course I was tortured with years of Latin. God, I hated every minute of it. I’m glad now, though, because reading this and other texts I have in that old, dead language is most enjoyable. I’ve even learned ancient Greek of my own free will.”
Sebastian Endicott was known to be a shrewd businessman. He was obviously brilliant, as well, and deserving of his excellent education even if his family’s money had ensured his admittance to the best schools.
A discreet knock was followed by Beasley entering with a sharp-faced older man and several younger ones, carrying all kinds of cases.
Sebastian closed the book. “Ah, Mr. Morelli is here for your wardrobe fitting.” He locked the book and went to greet the older man with a warm handshake. “So good of you to come.”
“Of course, Mr. Endicott.” The man turned his gaze to Parker. “A full wardrobe for the young man, I understand?”
“Yes, from socks to hats. And I need something suitable for him immediately to meet my parents in tomorrow.”
Mr. Morelli snapped his fingers at his assistants who began to set up the tools of their trade. Feeling silly in Sebastian’s T-shirt and boxers, Parker approached without being told. Like the grimoire, being measured and fitted for clothes was something he’d only seen in movies.
“Strip, if you please,” Mr. Morelli said as he draped a measuring tape over his shoulders.
“T-shirt only,” Sebastian corrected. “He’s a bit shy,” he added to Morelli.
Parker knew the real reason was that Sebastian didn’t want the other men to see his caged cock. Loose as it was on him, his underwear kept that hidden. He supposed this was to be expected as a slave, someone whose true purpose was hidden, yet also an open secret. He would have to get used to being kept behind closed doors and only trotted out when it pleased his master. It was weird that he was even being given an array of nice clothes. It didn’t make any sense to him. Who was going to see them, other than Sebastian, his manservant and maybe some close friends and family members?
As he stood with legs braced and arms outstretched as Morelli called out numbers, the import of Sebatian’s words to the man hit him once more. “Your parents really want to meet me…sir?” He couldn’t keep from blurting out the question.
Sebastian looked at him from where he sat on the sofa watching the proceedings. “Oh you’re likely to be a bit of a surprise to them, dear boy. I can’t wait to show you off, though, so they’ll adjust to the new member of the family.”
Stunned at the way his master casually labeled him as being a family member, Parker could do nothing more than stand still and ponder the strange turn his life had taken.
Chapter Four
Sebastian waved at the armed guard who opened the gates to his parents’ estate. His mother was madly security conscious so getting in and out of his childhood home was not unlike visiting someone in prison or having a meeting with a mob boss. As he drove slowly up the driveway, he reached for Parker’s hand. The poor boy was obviously nervous but he looked wonderful in the casual khaki slacks and scoop-necked green shirt Morelli had produced in short order. Gleaming brown loafers had also been provided, so the boy achieved a level of presentability for Sebastian’s demanding parents. Appearance was everything to the Endicott family.
“Don’t worry, dear boy. This won’t be the torture you anticipate. The food will be wonderful and you won’t be expected to join in the tedious chatter.”
Parker clenched his hand briefly. “I don’t want to embarrass you, Master.”