In the silence after his speech I hear a soft click-whir and a man, holding a camera to his eye stands from the cover of a dense planting and walks toward us, lowering the camera

“Mars, now we know why you’ve been hiding.”

Archer positions himself fully between me and the photographer, spreading his legs and crossing his arms over his chest. Is this the kind of shit Marcus has to deal with? I start to ease around Archer and he lowers one arm to keep me in place.

“You signed the agreement.”

The photographer grins. “I did and I will keep that agreement. No publishing photos or your location for four weeks. That time restriction is over in three days. I intend to scoop the others. These photos will help. The great Marcus Kane, shacked up on a Nebraska ranch. Great copy.”


He shakes his head and I remember as far as everyone else knows, he is Marcus.

The photographer watches our interaction with interest. “Nice little piece you’ve got there. She’ll make great copy.”

Archer growls and takes a step forward. The photographer chuckles. “But I have a more serious question. Rumor going around says you have a brother. A twin brother.”

“Rumors.” He gives a derisive snort. “There is only one Marcus Kane and you’ve interrupted my retreat.”

“Looks like someone else has been interrupting you. So what’s the status of your relationship?”

“You’ve followed me around enough to know Mars Kane doesn’t do relationships.”

My heart sinks. Despite the song, despite his declaration, how much is Archer like his brother? Once he leaves, are we over? And I almost told him I love him. I’m an idiot.

“What about that woman in Orlando? Claims you professed undying love—before you fucked her.”

Archer jerks then plants his fists at his waist. “I have never told a woman I love her.”

The photographer winks. “At least you never mean it.”

“I suggest you leave. You’ve got your photos. Get lost.”

“About that brother…”

Archer stands taller. “I have no brother.”

Oh my god. His words ring with truth. Did I want him so badly I believed his well-crafted lies? My stomach churns. Why would he lie? He didn’t need to. I would have… fucked him anyway. I don’t know what to believe. Who to believe.

Brody, one of the cowboys who’s been on security detail rides up and tips his hat. “Sorry this one slipped through. Want me to confiscate his camera?”

The photographer wraps his arms around the camera. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I dare a lot when dealing with scum,” Brody replies.

Archer shakes his head. “He can keep it. Damage is done.”

“Then I’ll escort him to his car. Came across it a little bit ago. It’s only about a mile off. Get walking.”

Scowling at Brody, the photographer takes a few steps then turns and focuses on me. “Come find me, babe, when Marcus is done with you. I’ll get you good money for your story.”

Brody’s horse sidesteps and the cowboy plants his booted foot against the photographer’s back. “Move.”

Once they’ve crossed to the main drive Archer faces me. “I’m sorry, beautiful. One of the prices of popularity.”

There’s something in his eyes I don’t understand. I don’t see my Archer there. I see only… Marcus Kane. “Who are you? Tell me the truth.”

“I have, Bailey. I would never lie to you.”