The music is slow, and I try to imagine it with guitar and drums in a typical Mars Kane style. I’m not sure it’ll work that way. When it sounds like he’s played the whole thing he starts over. This time he speaks the lyrics. Soft, barely audible above the music but I hear and feel every word.

“When forever ends

hearts clamor to know

Forever isn’t long enough.

Far too soon forever ends.

Hear my song,

while my soul burns.

Yearning for love.

When forever ends

Then will you know?

Loving you now

Forever beyond

Forever now

Until forever ends,

The song of my heart

I sing to you.

Until forever ends.

Until forever ends.”

Ignoring the tears trailing down my cheeks, I rush to Archer. “Oh my god, that’s wonderful. So beautiful.”

“Most of that is the chorus. There’s other verses.”

“I don’t care. I inspired that? How? When?”

“You are and will always be my inspiration.” He stands and wraps me in his tight embrace. “This song came into being the first time I saw you. Each time I was with you another song joined the playlist. Until I couldn’t hold them in any more. You know the rest.”

“All the songs are about me?” I play with the buttons on his shirt. “I don’t understand.”

He hesitates then his tight expression clears as though he’s made a decision. “Yes, every song. And there will be more. My head knows. My heart agrees. Bailey, ah my beautiful Bailey, I love you. I fell hard for you that first night.”

I draw a breath to scoff at his declaration but the honesty in his eyes, the love shining there, makes me consider my own feelings. I can’t express them when I don’t know what the future might hold. When forever might end. “Love at first sight?” I whisper.

“Pretty much.” He grins and strokes my hair.

“Take me to bed, Archer.”

We spend the night making slow, passionate, mind-blowing love, searching for our own never ending forever.

The next morning I need to start a process in the winery early in the morning so it’s barely after sunrise when Archer walks me out to the small porch in front of his guesthouse and hugs me. I made a decision overnight so I rise to my toes to whisper in his ear. “Archer, I lo?—”

He shoves me behind him then stomps to the edge of the porch. “Who’s there. I hear your camera. Show yourself.”