
“Archer, what happened at the pond?”

I attempt to keep the hurt from my voice. “After you came you sighed his name.”

“Oh?” A second later her face falls. “Oohh. But I didn’t know.”

“How could you? After a lifetime of pretending, I’m pretty good at being my brother. Unless I’m asked to sing.” That got me the barest hint of a smile. “And I’ve never been with a woman while covering for Mars. I didn’t think. Had no idea… how much it would hurt.”

“Once, a guy used another woman’s name while we were making out. We never made it past that point. I wasn’t really invested in the relationship, so although it hurt I wasn’t the one the man was fantasizing about being with, it didn’t take long to get over it. Or him.”

“I’m invested,” I say softly and take her hand.

“Really?” Uncrossing her legs, she shifts to fully face me. “Because I am, too. I thought I’d done something wrong when you went cold. I tried to build my own walls so I wouldn’t show how much you confused me. I should be more confused now, but you know, I’m not.”

“You believe me?”

“Yes, Archer. Even as crazy and improbable as the story sounds, I do. And I’d like the opportunity to make up for that misused name.”

My cock catches on before my brain, firming to press against my zipper. Bailey rises and holds out her hand. “How about you make me sigh your name this time. Then…” She winks. “I’ll encourage you to shout mine.”

In her bedroom, she draws the curtains to shut out the bright light then moves to rummage through the bottom drawer of her dresser. She straightens holding a small box. “Thank goodness I packed these by accident when I moved.”

She tosses the condoms to the bed and I stare at how the crinkly packages spill across the comforter. Shit. I hadn’t thought about protection. Until we’re further into our relationship—until we actually have one, we need to play safe. Although, the thought of filling Bailey with our child increases the pressure in my jeans. Her beauty when pregnant would outshine the sun.

Wrapping her arms around my waist, she snuggles close. “What’s that silly grin for?”

“Do you want words, or shall I show you?”



“Show me.”

Archer tips my chin up with a curled finger. “Clothes off.”

“You, too?”

“You know it, beautiful.”

Stepping barely apart we tug and push and shove until we step out of our piles of clothing. Dear god, he’s beautiful. Lean yet still sculpted, his muscles flex as he pulls me back into his embrace. His body is warm and mine feels perfect against him.

“Bailey, I have to taste you again. My fingers just weren’t enough.”

This isn’t just about the act. This is my redemption. “Show me.”

He crowds me until my calves hit the mattress and he lays me down. Standing back he studies me and I’m tempted to cover myself. He must sense my discomfort and gives a slight shake of his head. Grabbing one of my pillows, he tucks it under my head and shoulders. “Get comfortable, beautiful.

Then he’s on his knees and after pulling me closer, settles his shoulders. between my thighs. Without preamble, his mouth is on me, his tongue parting me to tease my clit. His thumbs spread me open. “My beautiful girl.”

Words are no longer needed as he drives me wild with his mouth, tongue and fingers. Each gasp encourages him. Every whimper brings him back to where I need him. I open my eyes and he’s watching me.

His lips press around my clit and he sucks. Long fingers thrust inside me, curling to stimulate every nerve ending. He pushes my need higher with every touch until I’m panting and a low whine vibrates in my throat. I cup his head then slip my hands to the tips of his ears, tug and pinch as I shatter. He grunts and moves his mouth to my entrance, tongue fucking me as I come.

When the spasms slow, he lifts his head and licks his lips. “Kiss me.”

The demand sets the spirals of my desire tightening again. Oh, this man. I force my limp body to sit, capture his face between my palms and kiss him hard. Lips, tongue, teeth, I pour my emotions into the kiss. I can’t tell him how much I love him. How much I love Archer. Because even though he’s not a rock god, I don’t see any way a relationship would work.