Page 46 of Close Quarters

“Boone County emergency services. Please state the nature of your emergency.”

“This is Katie Mitchum with forensics. I’m with the medical examiner, Dr. Alex Randall. We’re heading into town with Deputy Reeves. He’s been shot. We’ll be pulling up to the hospital ER in about ten minutes. We also have the man who shot him. He’s uninjured and in cuffs. Can you have the sheriff meet us there?”

The dispatcher cleared his throat. “Um, yes. Okay. Is there any other information you’d like me to pass along to the hospital staff?”

“Tell them Reeves is in shock and he’s lost a significant amount of blood.”

“Yes, ma’am. Drive safe.”

“We will, thank you.” She hung up. “They’re expecting us, and Seb will meet us there.” She put the phone away, then bent her head to check on Reeves. “We’re almost at the hospital, Austin. Hang on.” His breathing was growing raspier by the minute. She checked his pulse and found it weak.

Glancing up, she willed the car to go faster—much faster—and said a prayer.

A cup of coffee appeared under Alex’s nose. He glanced up to see Seb standing over him.

“Thanks.” He accepted the cup and took a sip. The sheriff handed another cup to Katie, then sat down across from them.

“So, you guys want to tell me what happened? We found your car on the highway. I take it they set a trap?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah. Someone shot out the tire—probably Pressley—or it could have been Tony, his hitman. He showed up about a minute after the tire blew. He shot Reeves, then forced us all into his car. Pressley was waiting for us at the cabin. He told Tony to take us into the woods and dispose of us. I don’t know how that guy managed to commit so many murders. He bungled every attempt at getting rid of us.”

“Did Pressley tell you why he did all this?”

Katie nodded. “The Jane Doe Amanda was so enamored with was the younger sister of one of her friends. The Paulsons kidnapped her, and Pressley was one of their customers.”

Seb let out a low whistle. “I didn’t know about the friend part. We did find out that Pressley was one of the ring’s clients, though. Brandt finally talked. Seems he got a taste of what it’s like to be a former judge in the jail’s general population. He traded some information—and the password to an encrypted thumb drive he had—for a more solitary existence. We found Pressley’s name on it.”

“So, he was screwed either way.” Alex winced. “I just wish we knew all that before he kidnapped Amanda to find out what she knew.”

“Me too.”

“Is Jackie and her team on the way up to the cabin to retrieve her body and Tony’s?” Katie asked.

Seb shook his head. “The feds are handling that. I’d already turned the case over to them, so they’re taking care of processing the scene. They also arrested Amos White.”

Alex’s eyes grew huge. “What? Why?”

“They found his name on the thumb drive as well, and he confessed to being friends with Amanda’s father. He says he only went a handful of times years ago, but it was enough for Pressley to blackmail him with. He’s the one who told Pressley what you two found.”

“Oh my God. Is there anyone in a position of authority not involved?” Katie asked.

“Right?” Seb shook his head. “It’s an extensive list, and the repercussions are going to be severe. But, we—you—have brought down a significant operation and given a lot of families closure.” He paused and studied them for a moment. “I have to say, I’m impressed. You two make a damn good team.”

Katie glanced at Alex, a soft smile on her face. “I guess we do.”

He smiled back. “Yeah. We do.”

Seb grinned. “Just don’t make a habit of taking out the bad guys for me. Stick to forensics and let me and my deputies handle them?”

“Trust me, we will,” Alex said. “Speaking of deputies, have you heard an update on Reeves?”

“I just talked to the doctor, actually. He’s not out of the woods yet, but the doctor is optimistic. He’s got a long recovery ahead of him, though. The bullet broke bones and damaged the radial nerve. It may be a while before he regains full function.”

“Well, if there’s anything we can do, let us know,” Katie said.

“I will. After you talk to the feds, go home and get some rest.”

They nodded.