Well, he was, because he wanted to spend time with her face-to-face and get to know her.

“Well, I guess things started about twenty years ago, when my mom turned me. She was fifty-five, but actually thirty-five, because she’d been turned by my father right after I was born. Let me tell you how weird it was growing up with parents who were vampires while I was human!”

Okay, so she had a sexy as hell voice too.

He couldn’t wait to get her to her apartment so they could talk.

He’d gone to the vampires’ offices for his new job and ended up finding his truemate.

Now that was an awesome benefit.

Chapter Four

Georgia wished there wasn’t a thick curtain separating her and Sylas as he drove to the club. She wanted to see him while they talked, touch him. Hell, she wanted to run straight to the bedroom with him.

“So you had a mating dream about me?” she asked, leaning back against the cool wall of the panel van and sipping the bottled synthetic blood. She hadn’t eaten before leaving from her parents’, and while she preferred real blood over synthetic, she didn’t mind the artificial taste.

She bet that Sylas’s blood would taste amazing.

“I didn’t see you, but I saw the sky tonight. I didn’t realize it until after I got to you that it was the sky from my dreams.”

“That’s pretty cool. Would you have had more detailed dreams if we hadn’t met today?”

“Once you came to Belle Terra, yes, the dreams would have been clearer so I’d be able to find you. My siblings didn’t have dreams for long before finding their truemates, but Alaric said he dreamed about his truemate for a year and the dreams were fuzzy and unclear until he came to Belle Terra.”

“Are sabers the only ones who have mating dreams?”

“I’m not familiar with other shifters and how they find their truemates, honestly. But we thought we were the only sabers left, and there were four here in Belle Terra, so sometimes I think I don’t know anything about shifters, you know?”

She smiled. “Your parents didn’t have family?”

“They were both only children, and when they passed away, I had just finished high school. I think because our kind can’t have children with anyone but our truemates that it makes it difficult. I would imagine there were sabers in the past who never had an opportunity to find their truemates, and eventually our kind will die out entirely without kids.”

A pang of longing hit her. “I can’t have kids.”

“I know.” He said the phrase simply, seemingly unbothered.

“Are you…does that bother you?”

“Nah,” he said. “I mean, if you could have kids, I’d definitely be up for some rug rats, but I’m also fully okay that you’re a vampire and aren’t able to have kids also. I never really thought about having kids anyway, and until Ronan found Alanah, I didn’t know if I’d ever get a chance to even meet my truemate.”

“Part of me wishes I’d had a child before I was turned, but I’m glad I didn’t, since I would probably have had a child with my ex-fiancé and then I’d be tied to him forever.” Hard pass on that. He was a jackass, and she was glad he was in her rearview.

“Good point,” he said with a chuckle. “When you turn me, we’ll be able to watch over the next generation, like my siblings don’t have to worry about their kids ever being alone, because we can watch out for them.”

“I love that.”

He braked and honked twice, then she heard the whir of the window. “I’m Sylas, I’ve got Georgia in the back. Nash told me to come here.”

“Sure thing. You can park the van in one of the empty spaces,” the male said. “Leave the keys in the cup holder and someone will move it once it’s dark. Georgia, you okay? Nash wants you to message him when you get to your place so he knows you made it in safely.”

“Thanks, I will.” She wasn’t sure who it was, but since it was daylight, it was most likely a shifter or human.

Sylas pulled forward, the van tilting as it moved underground.

When he’d parked, he got out and opened the back door, gifting her with a sweet smile. He was even better looking than she remembered from their brief chat before the trip home began. Tall, broad shouldered, with a trim waist, dark hair and dark eyes that flashed with amber. He was sexy and made all the feminine parts of her tingle with anticipation.

When she took his offered hand and stepped down, she tilted her head and looked at him. “So, my car?”