She looked behind her but didn’t see anything.

Then someone knocked on the window and she shrieked in surprise.


At her driver’s side door was hands-down the sexiest guy she’d ever seen in her life.

She was just too stunned to say anything.

“Are you okay? I’m Sylas, one of the sabers. I work for Caleb. Well, I just started working for him, I guess. I was working at the hotel, but I started today at the offices and I’m rambling. Are you okay?”

She was aware he’d repeated himself in between word-vomiting too much information at her, probably because he knew he’d scared her.

“I’m…I’m good. I’m Georgia.”

“I know,” he said, smiling, which took him from sexy to gorgeous times a hundred.

If her heart was beating, she’d probably pass out from the strain.

“Let’s get you out of here, the sun’s on the way up.”

She snapped to attention at the mention of the sun, grabbing her bag, purse, and phone. He tried to open her door but it was locked, so she hit the button and he pulled it open, offering her his hand.

The moment their hands touched, everything within her snapped to attention. This was no ordinary sexy guy…he was her truemate.

* * *

Okay, so she wasn’t simply the most beautiful female he’d ever laid eyes on, she was his truemate. Head to toe gorgeous, with a waterfall of blonde curls, curved in all the right places, and smelling like home to his tiger.

He glanced up at the sky, aware that it was a moonlit night.

In fact, it seemed to be the very sky he’d dreamed about.

Well, how the hell crazy was that?

He helped her up the ditch and opened the back of the panel van, taking her bag and setting it inside. Before he shut the door, he said, “There’s synthetic blood in that lock box if you’re thirsty. I closed the curtain so the sun won’t get back to you, but we can still talk.”

He rocked back on his heels, feeling like an idiot.

And then he had another feeling, but this one wasn’t full of gooey emotions or hope for a tumble between the sheets.

This one, this feeling, was all wrong and dangerous.

He shut the door with a snarl and spun, his claws and fangs appearing as he scanned the area for danger. There were woods on either side of the lonely stretch of road. Hell, he hadn’t seen another vehicle at all on the trip, and he wondered how long she might have been trapped out here until someone happened to come by.

He didn’t see anything in the woods on either side, but he could feel something. Someone.

“Sylas?” Georgia called, her voice muffled by the van.

“It’s okay.”

“You don’t sound like it’s okay. Are you growling? Are we in danger? You should get in the van.”

“I just have a weird feeling.”

“I had that too, when I first hit the ditch. Like someone was watching me.”

He hummed and stared harder at the trees, the sunlight slowly illuminating the area. He didn’t see anything, though.