The man bowed.
“Yes, Sir. We will see you there later.”
When the call went dark, Alexsandr looked around at his traveling companions.
There were five women, and all of them deadly assassins.
Like his Alina had once been.
“When we land, I want three of you to go out, disappear, and embed yourself in the American world. Four, Five, and Six, that’s your mission. Hide in plain sight, and when I need you, we’ll begin taking this country apart, piece by piece. We have lost assets in this country, that Mother Russia wants found and returned. Am I clear?”
They nodded.
“Number Four?” he asked.
She glanced over.
“You know where you need to go, correct?”
She nodded.
Then, she flipped her hair, and giggled.
“California, here I come,” she said, with a perfect English accent.
He focused on the next one.
“Number Five?”
She batted her eyes and grinned.
“I’m heading to DC. I have always wanted to see the US Congress building up close and personal. I’ll find our missing assets.”
He grinned.
Lastly, he stared at Number Six.
“And you?”
She giggled and bounced in her chair.
“I’m heading for New York. I’ve always wanted to be a dumb American oblivious to the world as I bounce around in designer clothes and destroy this cesspool of democracy from the inside out.”
That said it all.
Now, Alexsandr was happy.
It was about to begin.
Oh, they took his family from him.
But Alexsandr knew the truth.
He would take their country.