Page 60 of Assassin

“Oh, she absolutely is if Mikey O’ is moving around the city. That’s my literal job to protect your body,” she said, talking in the third person.

Jagger protested.


Only, she wasn’t having it.




“I know you’re squeamish because I’m with child, J, but we’re not losing you. Then, what happens to me, Dianna, Michael, and this baby? We have a better chance if we’re all ready for war.”

She had a point.

Plus, the last thing he wanted was to argue with his woman. That never ended well for him.

“I don’t like the risk,” Jagger admitted. “My face is recognizable, and so is yours.”

She had a solution.

“Then we have to send someone who can blend. That means the snakes,” Maura said.

The man in the last row protested.

Oh, and he protested big.

“Oh, hell, no,” Rogue said. “You want my wife to hit up a Chinese hidey-hole business? Are you insane?” he asked. “She’s with child too!”

Over Maura’s com, they heard Eve’s voice.

“The men in this family are getting dangerously close to forgetting who saved their asses when they were taken and being tortured. We aren’t freaking Girl Scouts. Our job was to LITERALLY sneak up on people and end their lives.”

Jinx chimed in, since it was her husband protesting.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Rogue. I need a mission, and if I don’t get one, my mission at home is going to be how to make you miserable.”


Pregnant women were testy.

Because she agreed with both of them, Maura pointed at her vest.

“They have a point, Rogue. That’s their job. Jinx will be okay, and so will Eve.”

Now, he was feeling twitchy.

“I’m going to have an ulcer.”

“We got this,” Jinx said.

Jagger was confused.

“Why isn’t Dakota losing his shit?” he asked, laughing. “This is right about the time he starts melting down.”

Stella clued him in since she could see him and Jagger couldn’t.