Page 55 of Assassin

Saying a little prayer, Jagger prayed for the man’s strength, and that he’d see the light and fight to survive. When he was done, he crossed himself.

If anyone could help him, the higher power could.

Heading back in, everyone was quiet, and Jagger knew why.

“He’ll be okay. Gamble has this.”

Stella wiped her eyes.

“He looked so frail,” she whispered. “I don’t know how much longer he can hold on. As a doctor, I can tell you he’s destroying his organs.”

Yeah, they all worried about that too.

Greyson wasn’t one hundred percent sure what had gone down, but he felt for the man. He’d been a soldier too.


He’d been in his place not that long ago when he’d hit rock bottom and turned himself into the FBI. Luckily, it had been Ethan and he’d cut him a break.

“Soldiers are tough. He’ll be okay,” he reassured. “He’ll find his way out.”

Oh, they somehow doubted that.

Maura clued the man in.

“His wife, Storm St. Clair drowned their baby and took her own life. He found them,” she stated.

Holy shit.

Greyson looked ill over that. He knew about the woman. She’d been an agent who’d been taken under his watch at the FBI. He didn’t know that the man had married her.

She’d been damaged when Ethan had her sent here to be rehabbed. He just assumed she’d made it.

Clearly, she hadn’t.

“Oh, God. That poor man.”

Yeah, that was what they all thought. Storm had either wanted to break Gamble, or she was so broken herself she didn’t realize that losing his child like that would damage and change him forever.

“I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy,” Greyson admitted. When he’d been holding Tessa and Max, and they’d been attacked at the wedding, he’d preferred to die than watch his children perish.

That was every parent’s nightmare.

Without a doubt.

“Elizabeth arranged for the doctor to work with him one on one, to try and get him back into one piece. We’ll see how good he is.”

Well, Greyson hoped that worked out.

“I’ll say a prayer for him,” Greyson offered, making the sign of the cross.

“Thank you,” Maura said. “He’s our brother and we’re at a loss on how to help him.”

Greyson wasn’t sure there was a way to do that. Losing a child was brutal, but losing one by your spouse who was supposed to protect the child…


As the melancholy was setting in, Croft knew he needed to get the Hunters on the same page. They had little time before tomorrow, and that meant getting everything in place.