Well, it was good to see that he was at the right place. There was that, at least.
As he escorted him in, there was a room full of people, and he recognized one in particular.
Oh, Jesus.
Greyson Croft, the mob man, was sitting in the living room. This couldn’t be good. He saw him on the news all of the time, and the man was…trouble.
What the hell was going on in this house?
He was almost afraid to ask.
“This way, Dr. Seville.”
Without voicing his concern, he simply followed Jagger.
When they were alone in a hallway outside of the man’s room, Jagger stopped him, and he was honest.
“Gamble is very important to us. He’s a decorated soldier, and he’s fought hard. The man has awards, and has sacrificed so much. He’s our brother.”
Poe got it.
“Let me guess. You’re a Marine.”
Jagger nodded.
“Captain Jagger Armstrong. I was special forces, and this is my wife, Major Maura Gaines-Mars-Armstrong,” he said, as he saw her approaching.
The man focused on her.
“It’s a pleasure. Don’t worry about Gamble. I’ll do my best,” he said.
Maura sighed.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, but your best isn’t going to be enough. We’re putting him in your hands. Please don’t fail. While Elizabeth might have paid you to help, we will burn down towns for our family. Gamble is our brother.”
He got it.
“I understand, Major. I have a high success rate, and I’ll work tirelessly to get through to him.”
“Please make sure.”
He patted her on the arm, and didn’t take offense.
“Major and Captain, let me reassure you that my methods are eclectic, but I have a process that is over ninety five percent effective. This is what I do. I save soldiers. This is my life’s mission.”
Jagger stared him in the eyes.
“As do we. Like I said, Doctor, he needs to be saved, and if he dies…”
Poe blinked.
“Is that a threat?” he asked.
Jagger shook his head, and Maura placed her hand on his lower back to get him to chill out. They couldn’t terrorize the good doctor.
Jagger continued.
“No. It’s a promise. Keep him alive, and if you need more money, Elizabeth said to contact her. She has a file and cash for you to ensure he’s comfortable and safe.”