It was a wedding dress.
“Uh, Aly, you bought a wedding dress at eight in the morning.”
She smiled.
“By bought do you mean broke in, used some tech to block the video, tried on the dresses, picked the one I wanted, and stole it? Then yes. I bought a dress at seven thirty in the morning—not eight.”
He stared at her.
Then, he began laughing.
“You stole the dress?”
“I mean, I left money on the counter. So not really. The owner is going to be so confused. That makes it half the fun—for me.”
He laughed even more.
“Then, I guess we should start planning a wedding,” he admitted.
She wanted that more than anything.
“That’s probably a good idea. I don’t think we should have it at The Estate.”
Yeah, been there, and seen Chris shot. That was definitely not happening. That was not where he was going to say, ‘I do’.
Then, he told her what he’d been thinking.
“So, Aly, hear me out.”
She waited as he handed her a coffee and took his from the cardboard carrying tray.
He wasn’t quite sure how this was going to go over. With her, one never knew. This was his first time proposing to someone, so he was winging it.
“I say we get married today.”
She stared at him.
Put down her coffee and sighed.
“Uh, what was that for?” he asked, pretty sure that he’d screwed that up. Maybe she wanted a big wedding.
“Oh, Jax.”
“What?” he asked.
“Now we have to go steal you some clothes. I was going to do it too, but I didn’t think you’d want to elope today.”
He actually laughed.
“I can wait until the stores actually open.”
She shrugged.
“Salespeople are pushy, and they lie like rugs. I didn’t want a dress that made me look like a Russian mail order bride.”