As he disappeared into the crowd, she followed, having that feeling that if she didn’t, she’d never see him again. Forget that they both worked for the Crofts, and she was about to be one.
His words were a goodbye.
Aly would bet on it.
As the panic rose, she didn’t know what to do. Then, she knew there was one option.
She needed help weeding her way through the complex emotions that were pulling her under.
Pulling out her phone, she made a call to the one person she knew would talk her out of this.
“Croft,” he said, when he answered the call.
Here was her one lifeline.
Her father.
“I need help,” she whispered. “Dad, I’m scared.”
Immediately, Greyson was worried. He’d been nervous when he’d been told about the note, and the whole time she was missing.
Then, he was worried about Jax too.
They were marked people, and the last thing he wanted was something to happen to them.
That was both a blessing and a danger.
“Aly, Honey, what’s wrong?”
She told him she’d taken a break, leaving the city, and she told him that Jax followed. Then, she told him about what he’d said and how he’d walked away.
It came gushing out of her in broken English and Russian. The emotions swamped her as she wiped her eyes and prayed that he’d help her figure this out.
Aly wasn’t sure what was wrong with her.
A good man loved her, and she was…scared.
“I don’t know how to do this. What do I do?” she asked, as she tried to find him in the crowded streets. “I’m confused.”
Greyson knew she was struggling.
Jax was perfect for her because he was a good man, and she needed one who would protect her. Alyona was accustomed to being tough.
Her whole life, she’d had to be strong enough to survive. Only, everyone needed someone.
She needed him.
The lesson in this was going to be that she had to sometimes let herself be vulnerable.