Why wasn’t she surprised that he’d tracked her here to Salem? That was a very Ajax thing to do. Someone was super protective and would hover. This was why she didn’t tell him she was leaving.
He would have followed.
He said nothing more, but instead just watched her. His hood was up, and he knew she was distracted. He’d been able to track her this far, and that was anything but the norm when it came to Aly.
She was a well-trained killer who had a heightened sense of self-awareness.
This woman…
She was off her game.
And that scared him stupid.
The last few hours of his day had been hellish, and she wasn’t the only one stressed. When he got back to The Estate, he found a note from the woman he loved.
Oh, he remembered what it said.
How could he not?
It made his blood go ice cold and his heart skip in his chest.
‘I need a mental break. I’ll be back. Don’t look for me. I’ll miss you. Aly.’
Well, bullshit.
He wasn’t going to obey that request. Of course, he was going to come find her.
She was his woman.
Those words calmed and pissed him off at the same time. At least she hadn’t been taken by someone hellbent on vengeance.
While he understood that everyone needed a break once in a while, he didn’t understand why she didn’t get that she just couldn’t tuck tail and disappear at her convenience.
That wasn’t how it worked.
Better yet, that wasn’t how it was going to work.
They were in a relationship, and to him, that meant always having a face-to-face conversation with the person you loved.
Had she just come to him and been honest, he would have respected her space.
Okay, no, he wouldn’t have. If he’d learned anything working for the Crofts, it was that the men were cavemen, and they liked to run roughshod over their women.
That’s why he fit in.
Aly was his, and he wasn’t willing to let anything happen to her.
They were a couple.
That’s how it worked.