“And he’s handled?” Maura asked, heading toward Recluse. He’d yet to appear, and it had been a long time since she’d seen him.
“Completely,” Wolf said.
As Maura came face-to-face with the other Spider, a man who had been on her team, and lived through hell with them, she hugged him.
His arms went around her, and he was overwhelmed. He’d tried to avoid this, but Reaper was a dick, and told him to be a man and face her.
Truthfully, Harvey Lee didn’t want to face her. The memories of what she’d lived through to save them haunted him. She was his Major, and they’d failed to protect her.
“I missed this face, Harv,” she said, kissing him.
Time had gone by, but she was still the same old Major. The woman didn’t age. She just got more beautiful, and he understood why Jagger had it bad.
They all loved her a little.
How could they not?
He hated to point it out, but someone clearly didn’t miss him.
“Uh, Jagger didn’t. He’s giving me the hairy eyeball, Major,” he joked.
The man in question laughed.
“Uh, maybe because your hand is on her ass. The ass that is currently married to me.”
He snorted.
“The little guy finally got you,” he joked, hugging Jagger next.
The two men were busting balls, and that was normal in their world.
Ethan stood there, and while he loved a reunion, they had questions.
“And Alexsandr knew nothing?” he asked. “Because we can’t risk that he told someone the intel that was waiting for him.”
Reaper shook his head.
“Nope. When she brought up the intel at the bank, he was surprised and then angry when she said we had it.”
They could all breathe a sigh of relief.
“So it’s over?” Stella asked. “Artemis and her plan to help him has been thwarted, and we can go back to helping the people of this town?”
Elizabeth nodded.
“It looks like,” she said. “That means you can go back to Boston,” she offered, knowing Greyson didn’t like to be away from his wife and Chris for long.
The man was healing.
“It appears our work here is done,” he said. Then, he focused on The Hunters. “My friends, as always, this has been shits and giggles. Next time, my place for some whiskey.”
Maura hugged him.
“Thank you for saving our bacon with your plan B. It saved the day. We owe you one, and we’ll take you up on the offer. We’ll be there.”
Elizabeth cleared her throat.