Now, his heart was racing.
This was bad.
Poe tried to explain so the man understood that they couldn’t do this.
It was wrong.
It was unethical.
But God, did he want it.
“I’m your doctor. I can’t sleep with my patient. That’s against the rules. I’ll lose my license, and that could damage you further. You…”
Gamble grinned, and then, he kissed him.
When his lips sealed over Poe’s, that heat erupted, and it was the best feeling in the whole world.
The whole time, there was a tangle of tongues.
When the pleasure was so overwhelming, Poe was helpless to fight it.
“Please,” he whispered.
Pushing off of him, Gamble knelt on the bed, and pulled off the blanket so that they could both be naked together.
Poe watched, and the sight…
It was spectacular.
And ridiculous.
They both went to bed with clothes on, but now, there wasn’t a stitch to be found. This was definitely a dream, and he needed to wake up before it got out of control.
Yeah, too late.
In this mystical world, Gamble appeared to be unbroken, and as he ran his hands over his tats and ink, Poe was helpless to stop staring.
The man was so damn sexy.
Holy shit.
He was screwed.
The soldier’s body wasn’t skin and bones anymore, but he looked like he would have had he been healthy. Like he looked in his file that Poe had in his possession.
There was only one cause for all of this.
This was his imagination projecting his need to the first male around him. That was it. It was the fact he’d not had a relationship or sex in months.
That had to be it.
Poe knew he had far more control than this. There was no possible way this could be happening.
He couldn’t have feelings for his patient.
It was wrong.
Oh, it was very wrong.