“You have no idea.”
When they got downstairs, the girls had two bags filled with things, and a rolled-up folder stuffed into the back of Jinx’s pants.
“Ready?” Rogue said, as they rolled the two guys in and propped them up against the vault.
“Yeah, let’s get out of here,” Alyona said.
Jinx stopped them.
“Let’s leave the cops a trail,” she said, pulling a can of spray paint from her bag, and shaking it. Across the wall, she wrote something in Russian, and Alyona laughed.
“What’s it say?” Rogue asked.
She read it to him.
‘Fuck you, Americans. Russia is here.
--Alexsandr D.’
Rogue laughed.
“When Elizabeth finds that out, and has to investigate, you’re explaining that to her.”
Jinx shrugged.
“She likes me.”
That she did.
“Come on,” Rogue said, taking his wife by the hand. “We gotta move.”
Outside, they closed the vault door, and left the two security guards in there.
Then, they hauled ass.
At the front door, another security car drove by, and they knew if the two guys didn’t answer them on the radio in the next minute, they’d have more problems.
Oh, they could handle them, but then, the cops were coming, and Elizabeth and the Major wouldn’t want a shootout.
When the car went around the back, Rogue pushed the doors open.
“Get your asses to the car.”
The four of them ran.
When they reached his sleek sportscar, they got into the back, and Rogue got them the hell out of there as the other security car was on the opposite side of the building.
As they were a block away, the silence was finally broken.
“We’re good,” Rogue said, slowing down to not draw attention to them.
“Well, we have the file,” Jinx said, holding it.
Ajax turned around from the passenger seat.
“What’s in it?”
She showed them.