That blew her mind.
Jinx nodded and tossed her a ruby necklace she found in a box to her.
“Plus, you’re a Croft. We’re tied to them. Jagger and Maura love Emma, and you’re their daughter. Jagger is the Irish mob, and now, Emma is running it.”
That was right.
She was a Croft.
Jinx reassured her.
“We’ll stop him and put him down, and then whatever happened won’t matter.”
She looked over at her, and wheat she meant to say was thank you. What came out of her mouth…it caught her off guard. Why she did it, she wasn’t sure.
“I’m number One.”
Jinx looked over at her.
“Uh, I opened those boxes fast. Maybe we’re both number one.”
Aly shook her head and then explained. What choice did she have? It was already out of the bag. That cat was running free on an open com.
“No, his assassins he travels with. I’m his first and favorite. I was to marry him.”
Jinx gasped.
Here was where Aly expected to be condemned by that fact. Instead, what she got was anything but condemnation.
“Thank God you escaped. That man you’re with would be a mess without you,” she said.
Ajax was on the com, and he could hear them. The truth was, he would be a mess without her. So, after he bought a ring, or found one she liked, he was going to marry her.
If he could pin her down.
Alyona was slippery.
The woman pleaded for her privacy.
“Please don’t tell anyone. I was supposed to be plan B, but I just can’t do it. He’ll hurt me like he used to.”
She had bad news for her.
“All four of us are on this com. Rogue heard you.”
Aly was honest.
“I trust you. You said we were family, and that matters. I have to put my faith in you because if not, I have nothing to believe in.”
Jinx got it.
In that moment, she made up her mind. There was no doubt that this woman had been a victim. She had the responses of one.
“Rogue and I won’t say anything.”
She had hope.