“Jinxy, you guys have to move fast. You’re about to have company.”
His wife had news for him.
“Rogue, you, and Ajax have to buy us time. They’ll come right to the vault first since that’s where some of the valuables are stored. We have no way out but the one door.”
He was aware.
Now, he had to find a way to give his wife and Alyona a fighting chance inside where the cops weren’t surrounding the building.
There was only one option.
“Jax, I need you to meet me in the front,” Rogue said. “Mask up. We have to put down two security guys to buy the ladies time.”
“Copy,” he said.
“Alyona and Jinx, we got you,” Rogue said.
Then, the com went dead.
Jinx looked at her watch. Alyona was opening the vault in record time and she didn’t want to rush her, but this was no laughing matter.
“How close are we?” she asked.
Normally, this was Rogue’s thing. He was the safe cracker of the two.
She moved the dial, and they heard the click.
“Ready,” Aly finally said, as they now had access to the vault. “It’s all ours.”
Pulling up her sleeve, Jinx saw the number she wrote there, and showed Alyona. They immediately went into the vault and got ready to open it.
As they found it, Jinx picked the lock.
It took a minute.
When they opened it, they had what they came for, and it was indeed intel on them and the Blackhawks. This was shit that could NOT get out.
“We have the goods.”
Her voice came across the com.
At that moment, Rogue and Jax were just making it into the bank. While he’d heard her, he couldn’t speak due to being heard by the guards.
So, he texted his wife.
‘Give us a few. Stay in the vault. We’ll come get you. Have some fun.’
Well, that was all she had to hear. He was telling her to loot it. Oh, and that was exactly what she was going to do too. This was a fancy-schmancy bank, and there was bound to be goodies a plenty.