She pulled out a rope, and on the end, there was a metal piece. When she pushed the button, it formed a hook, and she tossed it.
Then, she kissed Ajax, and began climbing.
When she was up and over, she motioned for Jinx to follow.
Rogue’s wife climbed, and when she reached the top, she made a heart with her fingers for her husband, and disappeared.
The rope was pulled over, and there was no sign they’d been there, but Ajax who was lingering.
Inside the car, on his laptop, Rogue saw when the trackers went on with the push of a button. Immediately, he got down to work, as his fingers were moving quickly over the keyboard.
His job was to stay one step ahead of them to clear all of the electronic security.
“The door is unlocked and unarmed,” he said, watching the dots move on the screen.
“Copy,” Jinx said.
Once inside, Jinx pointed at the air duct that went down.
“You good with tight spaces?” she asked Alyona.
The woman nodded.
“Well, then, we should have some fun,” she said, willing to take one for the team.
They opened the grate, and Jinx went in first. It was going to be like a slide down to the next floor.
Because she was curious, she reached out to her husband.
“Where does this end up?” she asked Rogue. “Don’t say the furnace.”
He gasped.
There was no way he’d let her even get into a duct if that were the case.
“JINX! Why would you put that out there?”
She laughed and ignored his fear.
“Just answer the question. Where does it go, Babe?”
Because he wanted to double check, he typed in the box, and it pulled up the next floor.
“It looks to take you right to the basement. The only problem is, if you go down that way, you can’t get back up that way. There’s no way you can climb up the inside of the duct.”
That she understood.
That meant one thing, and only one thing.
“Then, plot a new route out. We’ll walk out the front door to get to you.”
They might have to.
His options were limited in a bank this old. It wasn’t new construction, but a building that had been there a long-ass time.
“Ready?” she asked Alyona.