Only, he’d not anticipated the wiliness of Elizabeth Blackhawk.
Oh, he’d been warned, but he’d thought it was nothing more than hype.
Here, she’d been ready for him.
Now that he was trapped, without security, and alone in The United States, he tried desperately to contact Two and Three to see if they were okay.
They were taking too long to do the deed.
That didn’t bode well for him.
Deep down, he suspected that they were already dead, and Elizabeth Blackhawk had taken care of them.
There was nothing left to do, but try to get out. That meant using the one tie he had left to Mother Russia.
The Russian consulate.
It was the last option on the list, and it meant that he was risking reporting back to his superiors that, already, he’d failed in his mission.
He was three hours in, and already, he was in some shit.
As he used his personal phone, the only one he had left, he called the consulate.
And he was devastated.
They refused to help him evacuate out of the States, simply because then, they’d have to tell the US government how he got in.
That burned too many people.
It would also start a war.
The man on the phone had been anything but sympathetic, and he’d delivered a message from the man in charge.
‘This is your mess, Alexsandr, fix it like your father would.’
Well, he had bad news.
His father had armies. Now, it was just him, and he couldn’t even reach, Four, Five, or Six. They were already doing what they’d been trained to do.
Now, he was left alone, in a foreign country, with no weapons, no money, and no chance.
Yeah, he was fucked good.
And he didn’t know what to do.
At all.
* * * H U N T E R – C R O F T * * *
New Orleans
Tommy Bernards’s Home
Nine P.M
Same Time As River Date