Remmy looked at his watch.
“We need to keep this boat moving so no one gets suspicious.”
Zayn took one for the team.
“I’ll go back into the water to cut the line on the motor. Someone pull me back in.”
Jagger went with him, and so did Remmy and Boone.
The rest of the family got the man onto a chair, and tied him there.
It wasn’t long before he woke up.
As Maura sat in front of him, she smiled when he opened his eyes.
“Hey, Shing. Funny meeting you here. How’s Fang and Alexsandr?” she asked.
His eyes went huge.
“You probably don’t recognize me,” she said, as Merry handed her a pack of wipes to clean off her face. As she did, it was clear he figured it out.
“Mikey O’s bodyguard,” he said, proving Artemis did burn them.
She smiled.
“Yeah, and I killed The Black Butcher one-point-oh,” she said, wiping her grease paint off so he could see her.
He sat there.
“Why don’t you tell us all about Dominik’s plans?” she asked.
“How about I don’t?” he countered. “I’m not telling you shit.”
She shrugged and looked over at her team.
“Okay, we’ll get it out of you.”
“Adder?” she said, and the woman made a giant knife appear, and she moved toward his restrained leg.
“Now?” she asked.
Maura nodded.
“Make him bleed until he gives us something,” she said. “Peel his flesh from his bones.”
The man began freaking out, and as the blade came closer, he fought harder. Just as she stabbed him in the thigh, ready to cut him open, he screamed and gave it up.
“He’s here! He arrived today, and he’s already moving around. When I met with him, he was sending out his assassins.”
Maura held her hand up and Eve stopped.
“Where is he now?”
He wildly shook his head.
“I don’t know. The warehouse supposedly. He arranged his own hidey-holes. Fang just helped the German woman set up the money and guns.”