Page 201 of Assassin

As the boat moved around the bend in the river, the captain flashed a light from the bow on a big gator.

“That’s Uncle Sam. He’s mean, he’s fast, and he’s sneaky,” Shing said as they went to the rail to check him out. “He’s definitely dangerous.”

“He’s gotta be old,” Merry said.


Over the com, the men heard the Marines.

“We’re entering the water just ahead of the boat,” Maura said into the com. “Try to keep the captain focused on you for a few minutes.”

Well, Remmy knew how.

Since they were on the rail, this would be perfect. Pulling the ring out of his pocket, he tapped Calyx on the shoulder, and when she looked at him, he took her hand.

“Can I ask you something?” he said to her, knowing he desperately wanted his ring on her finger.

She looked confused.

“Of course. What?”

That’s when he did it.

He got down on one knee, and he held out the ring—much to her surprise.

NO ONE expected it.

Merry gasped.

Boone too.

Calyx just stared, mouth agape.

Then, Remington took the time to do the deed and get the girl.

“My sweet woman, I’m so crazy in love with you. You’ve saved me when I didn’t think anyone could. You found me when I was lost. Now, I’ve found you, Calyx. You’re my soulmate, and I know that together, we’ll be safe, happy, and live an amazing life.”

She just stared.

Honestly, she couldn’t believe it.

The com was silent, giving Remmy his chance to do something romantic. Luckily, the Marines communicated with hand signals.

Calyx didn’t know what to say.


He needed her.

“Be mine, Calyx. As we start this next part of our lives, be my wife. My flower.”

Her heart thumped in her chest.

This was a no-brainer.

“Absolutely,” she said, tears filling her eyes. “I love you, Remmy. I love you so much!”

When he flipped the box open to show her the ring, she actually gasped.