As soon as he was done, Maura hugged him.
“Go sit on Chartres. If Alexsandr is going to send more people there, and he will once he realizes his operatives haven’t checked in, get us at least one alive.”
He knew what they needed to do.
“We need to be inside. Can we go squat in your pad until this is over?” he asked.
She didn’t hesitate.
“Do it. We have MATE here. We don’t need the base there, but if we let it blow, Elizabeth will have our heads. That will draw too much attention.”
That was the truth.
Pulling his vest and jacket back on, he passed the bombs to Zayn by tossing them to him.
“What the fuck?” he asked, catching them but almost dropping one. “Are you insane?”
Yes, yes, he was.
“I’ll check in later. Have fun,” Reaper said, laughing all of the way out.
Because Dimitri was always paranoid, he went there.
“Can we trust them?” Dimitri asked. “He works for the CIA, and he knows a little too much about us. That doesn’t bode well for me.”
Maura reassured him.
“Lewis was one of my team before we were compromised. He’s the most loyal person I know—next to Jagger and Harvey, one of our old teammates.”
He still didn’t look convinced.
“Really, Dimitri. He is our friend. He won’t burn us, but now, we gotta get intel on Alexsandr, and figure out if he’s really on the ground. Get your asses ready for an adventure tour and a bank heist, but MATE, I need you to find the airstrip he landed at, if he’s here.”
MATE didn’t argue.
“Absolutely, Major. Will you be safe in the swamp? My main imperative is to make sure that you stay safe.”
She smiled.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, MATE. I’m all about the swamp. Ask Jagger.”
Her husband sighed.
It was about to get wild in that water.
That was for damn sure.
The Marines were about to play, and that was never good for whoever they were tracking.
* * * H U N T E R – C R O F T * * *
Callen’s Jet
Close To Landing
She had everything under control.