Well, maybe this could be fun after all.
On the screen, they watched him moving through the cars, really believing he was not seen.
“Well, at least we know the security here is superior to CIA security,” Dakota said. “Because CIA only gets you to the door. You gotta do the rest. MATE is a good watchdog.”
Greyson sighed.
“I’m so jealous,” he admitted. “I need this in my life. I’m about to do something pathetic.”
They all looked at him.
“Bribe a Fed.”
That was amusing for a few reasons. She wasn’t exactly bribable, and it was illegal as hell.
On the screen, Reaper went to walk around a car, and MATE appeared, and then disappeared.
The man spun, just catching her out of his peripheral. He was about to get surprised.
He pulled a gun, and went into Spider mode. He was playing hide and seek with a hologram, and it was fun to watch because he wasn’t going to win.
She kept popping in behind him.
It was when the lights went out, and then on, and she appeared in front of him that he looked to nearly have a stroke.
“What the fuck,” he muttered.
“Mr. Spider, you could have just knocked on my door,” MATE offered. “Elizabeth has you on the list of people who have access—even though you’re carrying bombs in your britches.”
He literally stared at her like she was ghost.
MATE being MATE went there.
“Ooooohhhh repent,” she said, making everyone upstairs nearly piss their pants.
When Reaper started looking for a way out, Maura laughed, and pushed a button.
“Lewis, what the hell?” she asked over the com.
He looked relieved that he wasn’t being haunted by whatever this was.
“Major, that’s not funny. What the hell?”
They all laughed even more.
“I mean, it kinda is,” she said. “MATE bring him upstairs.”
She did her job escorting him.
“Follow me, Lewis Faulkner, AKA, Faulk. AKA, Reaper. AKA The Red Queen Slayer.”
Now, he actually laughed.
It was hard to be upset when those were names that mostly were only known to Elizabeth—especially the last one.
As MATE led him upstairs, he didn’t ask any questions. He wasn’t talking to a hologram. That was ridiculous.